Chapter 2: What Happened?

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Before long, she slowly woke up groggily after what have seemed to be countless hours.

She got her head up slightly and shook the ringing out of her head, as it gradually disappeared.

As she was slowly looking up, she noticed the surrounding scenery changed after the sudden feeling.

As if she is facing the same apartment, that looked like the one in the game.

Confused, she got up from the ground of where she is, doing a slight push up as her forearms on the concrete.

Before Stephanie could get up, a migraine made her feel nauseous from the movement, so she stopped, placing a hand on her forehead, groaning softly to herself.

The doors opened after a while of staying at where she was, as footsteps walked down from the porch.

She heard a voice softly spoke, when the person noticed her in front of the apartment, "Oh my goodness."

Stephanie groggily glanced up from where she was, her hand still on the side of her head.

She is looking at someone in pink in front of her, her face looked worried and concerned.

"Are you all right, ma'am?" she asked, as she got closer to her, the tips of her toes over the edge of the porch.

"Y-Yeah," Stephanie responded, slightly stammering.

She gently shook her head side to side to get the ringing sensation out of her head, still feeling a little dizzy.

"I'm fine," she assured the worried lady. "Thank you for asking me."

Being polite, she placed her right hand against her chest, underneath her neck, and bowed slightly.

Although she is groggy, she manages to bow down, even on her knees.

As she somewhat got up to her knees, she glanced down at the figure again, and looked, surprised at first, before looking confused.

Stephanie sees someone shorter than her and different from what she expected.

She is short like a dwarf compared to the midgets she saw back at home.

But, she looked almost like the one in the game she was playing earlier, except she can clearly see her, and make every single detail of her.

She possesses steel-blue eyes, light fair skin color, light brown hair that is pulled into a low ponytail, and she looked plump.

The lady is wearing a pink outfit, with a small narrow skirt that is down to her ankles, with slippers, expect in a dark color.

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