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tylerposey58 posted a photo

liked by hollandroden, crystalreed, and 7,234,128 others

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liked by hollandroden, crystalreed, and 7,234,128 others

tylerposey58 they might kill me but I captured this when we were all watching a movie😜

view all 832,976 comments
tagged: dobrien, livmason

username OH. MY. GOD.

username asdfghjkl

username I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead


dobrien liked this photo!

dobrien even though I should be mad at you, I'm not because I actually love this picture
tylerposey58 then you're welcome
dobrien Livie says it's cute too, but she can't comment cause she didn't charge her phone last night

hollandroden #goals I have a photo I should post of them
tylerposey58 do itttt
dobrien "hoe better not do it without letting me see it" -livie

username 😂 Olivia 😂

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

hollandroden posted a photo

liked by melissaponzio, ianbohen, and 5,207,841 others

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liked by melissaponzio, ianbohen, and 5,207,841 others

hollandroden the #dylia reunion that Liv gave me permission to post

view all 789,305 comments
tagged: dobrien, livmason


username I love how the cast ships them as much as we do
[tylerposey58 and hollandroden liked this comment]

username I want a Dylan 😩

username this picture blessed me

dobrien "lol why is everyone obsessed with us. I mean, we're cute but not like stierra cute." -livie

username but you all play stierra???

username lmao liv thinks her character's relationship with Dylan is better than her friendship

tylerposey58 I love my friends. I vicariously live through their interactions and have no shame admitting that to the whole world

username Tyler okay?

username Tyler 😂

crystalreed awe this is so cute
[dobrien liked this comment]
[livmason liked this comment]

livmason liked this photo!

livmason 💙

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livmason posted a photo

liked by tylerposey58, crystalreed, and 4,319,750 others

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liked by tylerposey58, crystalreed, and 4,319,750 others

livmason enjoying the time we have 😊

view all 680,239 comments
tagged: dobrien

❉ ╧╧╧╧ ✿ ╧╧╧╧ ❉

"So where are we going now?"

Dylan glanced down at the girl walking beside him and shrugged. "Wherever you want, Livie. We have all afternoon."

To him it didn't matter where they ended up, as long as she kept that smile on her face. He was pleasantly surprised at her reaction to him leaving that night, having expecting her to be upset.

"Well, of course I'm bummed you can't stay longer," she had replied once he questioned her, "but I understand. We make TV shows and movies for a living after all. Even though I'll miss you, the sooner you finish the movie the sooner you'll be back for Teen Wolf."

The two had slept in that morning, since they had fallen asleep around five a.m. after just talking for hours. Dylan smiled to himself as he remembered how he held her on the couch, his face nuzzled into her neck. He wanted to wake up like that all of the time.

After they finally got dressed and ready, Dylan wanted to treat her to breakfast at their favorite café. That is why she was currently enjoying her mango smoothie while he held onto his strawberry drink. He tried not to think about how their hands brushed while the walked, resisting the urge to just grab her fingers in his.

"I got it!" Her excited voice broke his concentration. "What do you think about going to the aquarium?"

"It's been awhile since I've been," Dylan replied honestly. "I think the last time I went was with my sister when she visited."

"Well that settles it," Olivia declared with an excited smile. "We're totally going."

LIVIE || DYLAN O'BRIENWhere stories live. Discover now