Chapter 1

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My plane finally landed in London. Thank God. I don't think I will be able to survive an eleven hours long trip again. I couldn't even sit in first class, so I sucked in the tourist class sitting between an annoying old lady who couldn't stop talking about her grandchilds, and a guy, who was literally like 200 kg, and went to the bathroom in every fucking hour. At the end of the road my whole body was in pain. 

I couldn't sleep on the plane at all, and I was too excited to sleep in the last couple days too, so I was really really tired. Seriously, I could fall asleep while walking. 

After I got my luggage, I called a cab, and told the driver to take me to the hotel I was staying. We got to the place in 15 minutes. I payed for the ride, and then went to check in. I got the keys to my room, so I walked to the elevator, beacause it's impossible for me to use the stairs right now. 

I finally found my room, so I went in, kicked my shoes off, and jumped straigt into the bed. I didn't realise that I wasn't alone in there.


"Seriously, Bryan, who is this dude sleeping in my room?" I quietly heard someone talking, but I was still half asleep, I thought I was only dreaming or something. But then I turned around, and saw a blond guy standing next to my bed, looking in the opposide direction, and talking with someone one the phone. "What?" I heard him say. "No one said I will have to room with somebody else! Why can't we all have our own rooms?" he asked. It seems like he's not too happy that he have to share a room with me. It's not that big of a deal, really, I don't understand why is he so upset. "No, of couse, it's okay, I just thought I will be alone, that's all" He was lying. I can feel he doesn't want me here, which made me a bit sad, but I knew that as soon as we'll get to know each other, he'll change he's mind about this. 

"Uhm, sorry" I finally said, and I think I scared him, guess he thought I was still slepping. "Oh God, didn't mean to scare you, I'm so sorry" I apologised. 

"It's alright, you don't have to apologise" He said with a smile on his face. He looked kinda handsome. Ah, what am I talking about, he is fucking hot. With he's messy blond hair and green eyes. Ugh, he has beautiful eyes. 

"Oh, alright." I said. "Look, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I just heard that you were talking with Bryan about us being in the same-" He cut me off. 

"Oh, no, I'm sorry about that. It's fine really, I was just suprised that's all." 

"You're a terrible liar, did you know?" I asked him. He laughed, and maybe blushed a little too.

"Yeah, I know. But It's not your fault I swear, I just... Like to have a little privacy, that's all." He looked like he really regretted what he said.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that, I get it. I promise I won't get in your personal space at all" I said. "Im Joe by the way, it's really nice to meet you" I introduced myself.

"I'm Ben, it's nice to meet you too" he shaked my hand. "You're playing Deacy, am I right?" He asked, and i nodded.

"Yes. I still can't believe it actually."

"Yeah, it's pretty dope! I mean a never thought I will playing Roger Taylor, but here we are!" He said with an adorable smile on his face. "I'm so excited for this role!" He then said. "I kinda lied a little to get it..." I looked at him with a surprised face.

"What?" I asked. I couldn't believe what I heard.

"Well... You know, because this is the role of Roger Taylor, so I should know how to play the drums obviously, which I couldn't. So when I applied for this role, Bryan had doubts, because he knew I couldn't drum. But I told him that I can. So he asked me to send him a video of me drumming.
And I thought 'Well fuck, what am I gonna do now?'"

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