Chapter 3

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"Ben! Hey, Ben!" I knocked loudly on his door. "Ben, what's wrong? What happend?" I kept on banging on the door, but still no answer. "Dude, you gotta talk to me, I'm trying to help!" I tried to open the door, but it was locked. Ben has been hiding in his trailer for 20 minutes now, and I have no idea what's gotten into him. I saw him on set talking to somebody from the crew, and then he went totally pale, rushed in his trailer and has been in there ever since. I've been trying to find out what happend, but I couldn't get one word out of him. "Ben, come on, please tell me what happend, I just want to help you!" I begged, but still nothing. I decided to find out what happend,I don't care if he wants it or not. If Ben won't let me help him, I'll find another way.

I looked around me, searching for somebody who might know something. I saw Gwilym talking to Roger, so I went up to them, and asked if they know anything.

"Hey guys!" I said, cutting off their conversation. "Uhm, sorry to interrupt, but uhhm... do you know anything about Ben?" I asked them, hoping they can help me.

"He's in his trailer I think?" Gwilym answered.

"Yes, yes I know that, but he's in ther for like 20 minutes now, and he refuses to come out! He wouldn't even talk to me! He was so shocked and kinda scared the last time I saw him." I said, panic was soaking through my voice.

"Wha- Really?"

"Yes, I'm worried about him." I mumbled.

"Okay, calm down, we'll find out." he tried to comfort me, but I will only feel confortable when I'll know that Ben is okay. "I think I saw him talking to Rami like half an hour ago, maybe he'll know more Than us."

And he did. Oh, he knew so much more than us.

"You did what?!" I hissed when I heard Ramis explonation.

"You told him he has to play that crazy difficult drum solo?" Gwilym asked.

"Hey, it's not that difficult!" Roger gushed, which made us all laugh a bit, but then I immediately looked back at Rami, with a not friendly look on my face.

"Dude, that was harsh" I said, but couldn't help it and smiled a bit, because it was actually a little bit funny if you think about it. Still harsh tho, but a little funny.

"Oh come on, it was just a joke! I didn't think he was gonna take it so seriosly." Rami laughed.

"Well, he did, and now he's probably scared to death." I sighed, and ran quickly to Bens trailer and banged on his door again.

"Ben! Hey, Ben! Look, it was a joke. Rami was only joking. He certainly has a bad sense of humour, but it was just a prank. Please come ou-" Ben finally opened the door. He looked so pale, and his eyes were wide open.

"A joke?!" He yelled. "You've gotta be kidding me..."

Rami followed me, and looked at Ben with a regretting face. "I'm sorry Ben, I know I crossed a line." He apologised. Ben sighed, and the looked at Rami again.

"Well... you did scare me to death, actually... I was thinking that I'll leave the planet before I could learn that thing." Ben chuckled.

"'re not mad?" Rami asked, and Ben shaked his head.

"Nah, it's alright mate, don't worry." he said and bro-hugged Rami.
"Well, this was a he'll of day, wasn't it?" Ben sniggered, while lying on the couch in his trailer with a beer in his hand. We finished shooting for today, and we all were exhausted.

"You don't say!" I laughed, and also opened a bottle of beer.

"Hey, do you want to come over or something?" Ben looked at me. "We could watch a movie or something."

"A movie sounds good, Ben, but did you forget that we're in the same room?" I chuckled.

"Not in the hotel, dummy, I meant at my place."

"You're place?" I wondered. "You live around here?"

"Yeah. Well, like 30 minutes away from set, so I decided that it would be a good idea to move closer, you know. It's easier like this."

"Yeah, I get it." I nodded. "And sure, we can go."
"What do you want to watch?" I asked Ben.

"I don't know man, it's up to you, you choose." He shouted from the kitchen, and then came back with two wine glasses and one bottle of red wine. "Want some?" he smiled, while puting them on the coffee table, and pouring some in the glasses.

"Hell yes!" I said, and took the glass from him. "Cheers!"

"Cheers!" He said too, and we drank the wine. "Another round?" He asked, and didn't even wait for my answer, already pouring more drink.

We decided to watch deadpool. We were like in the half of the film, but we already drank two bottles of wine, and a half bottle of vodka. We weren't really consentrating on the movie. Well, I was trying to pay attention, but Ben always prevented me from doing that. He was so drunk, he was literally laughing at everything. But that wasn't the weirdest part of this night. Not at all. Ben stayed quiet for like 5 minutes, which was odd, 'cause he was talking nonstop. But I thought he just got tired or somethin'. But then I felt his hand on my thight. Then he rubbed it, making me shiver.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I whispered. I was too drunk to speak louder.

"Sssshh.." he hushed. " Just let me..." he said, and then gently placing his lips on mine. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to react. I didn't pushed him away, but I didn't kissed him back either. I just did as he said. I let him. It was a good feeling. Oh God, the best feeling I experienced in a long time. But it was also very unusual. It was very new. It just felt right.

After a while I couldn't help myself, I kissed back. I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to me, as if I could taste his lips even more. And then he grabbed my hips and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him, and let him carry his to the bedroom. He pushed the door, and foundly placing me to the bed.
Hi Guys!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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