Chapter 2

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"Wait, a minute... so you actually lied to get this role?" Rami asked ben.

"Uhmm.. yeah, something like that..." said Ben, making everybody laugh. "But I know how to play on the drums now!" he said, trying to fix his situation, but he failed. We all laughed so hard, seriously, Gwilym almost choked.

"Oh come on, it's not even that funny!" He was right. It wasn't THAT funny, but with the ammount of alcohol we had tonight, everything seems funny. "Okay, maybe it's a little bit funny" Ben admitted, and he started laughing too.

"It's not like we haven't do anything like this before" Lucy said.

"What do you mean?" We heard Rami ask, while he was looking for something else to drink in the minibar.

"I mean, I'm sure we all lied to get something we wanted." she said.

"Oh, that's true!" Rami said. "My twin brother was studying greek studies as one of his degrees, and his teacher offered him the points to graduate, but he had to deliver a greek monologe. So he asked me if I know one, aaand..."

"Dude, you're not fucking serious." I asked him.

"Hell yes I am!" he said. "So I delivered the monologe, and my brother got his points"

"You're fucking nuts bro!" Gwilym said, and he was laughing even harder.

"This is fucking hilarious!" Ben said, he was laughing too. "This is way better than my story!"

"You're right, it is" Lucy said. "But yours is still funny too." she said with a grin on her face.

"Guys, we ran out of drinks." Gwil said.

"Shit. Just call room service and order some more." Ben said, and Gwilym called the room service. It was a bad idea.


Holy shit... my head is throbbing. What the hell were we doing last night? The last thing I remember was when we met up the other guys from the cast, and then went up to my room. Oof, we had a lot of drinks, hadnt't we? And now hangover is killing me. I looked over, and I saw Rami and Gwilym sleeping on the floor, and Lucy on the other bed. And then there was ben, with his head laying on my stomach, sleeping like an angel. I reached out for the nightstand next to the bed, and I started searching for some painkillers in the drawer. When I finally found one, I picked up the half-empty water battle from the floor, and I took a pill.

"What are you doing?" I heard a quite voice. Shit. It was Ben. I waked him up.

"Nothin', just taking some painkillers..." I said.

"Can you pass me one too? I'm literally dying..." he asked, and I gave him a pill and the bottle. "What the fuck were we doing last night? I've never felt more shitty in my life."

"I don't know man, but one thing for sure, I'm not going to look at any alcohol for a while." I said, and Ben quietly laughed.

"Can you please shut the hell up? I'm trying to fucking stay alive here... Thanks!" Lucy said, and then buried her head in a pillow.

"Sorry ma'am..." I joked, which made Ben laugh again. But then hissed, and started holdig his head.

"Shit, laughing hurts.." he said with a painful voice.

"Sorry" I smiled at him.

"I just wanna fucking sleep for the rest of my life..." he pulled a blanket on himself, and falled back asleep.


"Woah, you guys look like shit!" Bryan said when he saw us. "Tough night?"

"I will never drink again" Gwilym said.

"Can somebody turn down the sun, it's annoying." Rami said, and we all giggled.

"Looks like you turned to an actualy vampire while shooting Twilight." Ben joked, and all he got as an answer was Rami's middle finger.

"You guys are Lucky the we'll only start shooting tomorrow, so you better sleep this off." he grinned. "Or at least try."

The rest of the day passed quickly. After breakfast Rami and Gwil went back to they room to get some rest, and so did Lucy. Ben and I went back to our rooms as well.

"Do you want to do something?" I asked. "Like watch a movie or somethin'?

"Yeah, sure. " Ben said. "I couldn't do anything else today anyway."

"Cool. What should we watch?" I looked at him, waiting for his answer.

"Hhhhmm...I don't know... What about... Jurassic Park?" He looked at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh, come on man!" I said rolling my eyes. "You seriously want to watch that?"

"Definitely, yeah" he said turning on the TV, and the movie was already on.

"Well, okay then. I guess we're watching Jurassic Park." I agreed.


"Ben seriously, shut the fuck up!" I said with a red face.

"But Joe, just look at you! You were so adorable!" he said while looking at me as a kid on the TV.

"No, I wasn't, I was ugly!" I said, burying my face in my hands.

"Bullshit!" he said. "Do you not have eyes? You were so cute" he laughed.

"You are the one who has problems with his eyes, because clearly you're seeing someone else on the screen." He thown a pillow in my face.

"You are so stupid." He was lauging.

"No you're stupid"

"Wow, Joe. That is the best you've got? What are you, like 5?" he grinned.

"No" I said, and picked up another pillow. "THIS is the best I've got" I said, and hit him with it. Maybe even a little too hard, 'cause he fell off the bed. "Oh shit!" I rushed to the other side of the bed. "I'm so sorry Ben, I didn't mean to hit you that hard!" I apologised, and helped him stand up.

"It's alright, I'm fine Joe, don't worry." he said, and that made me feel better a little bit. I bent down to pick up the pillow, but the felt something hitting me, and instead of picking it up, I fell on the pillow. It was Ben hitting me with an another one.

"Okay, I deserved that" I said, and we both laughed.

"Yes you did" he smiled.

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