Chapter 8

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Issaic's P.O.V:

As my body flung out of the car, I felt the wind whiplash my body. It felt like a rollercoaster. I tried to get out the black tentacle by pulling it off, but the strength of it wasn't in my capability to get it off of me.

I just waited for my demise. Then I was suddenly dropped to the ground. I landed on my side and felt the slight urge of pain. As I got up, I saw him. That tall man with no face wearing a suit. "What do you want for me monster?" I said calmly. His deathly stare intimidated me. It's like his face had eyes even though he doesn't have a face at all. Even though this scares me, I'm standing my ground to the death of me. His tentacles were released out his back like an octopus, I felt them surround me. "Actually, I have a better question. What are you?" I stood up. "Do you even talk? Well, I guess you plead the 5th huh?"

"Why are you even talking to me mortal?" I was pretty shocked that he could even talk. His voice was like jello through my ears, but I needed to find a way to get out of this mess instead of his voice! "I want to know why you killed Stacey and why you're trying your hardest to kill the rest of us." "You should be more concerned about yourself at this moment than talking to 'a monster' like me." He slowly walked towards me. I backed up but ended up hitting a tree behind my back. I was distressed, I felt his intense staring uncomfortably in the position I'm in. "What do you want from us?" I questioned.

"Your corpses," his face was blank, but I felt a smile form on his face. Tentacles started to wrap around my hands and my legs. It felt like my limbs just wanted to be pulled apart. I grunted in pain. "(Y.N), I'm sorry..."


In college, I wasn't always the way I am. I was mostly depressed because I was so far away from my family that I pretended to be a person that I wasn't. Picking up girls and charming them was a daily basis, but of course, I end up being dumped or slapped. It was the second semester of my freshman year in college. I tried out for fraternity and made it out without drowning in alcohol and sweat. Well maybe a little bit of sweat, but that's not the point. I felt as though if I joined, then I would feel a little better about myself and make some friends in college.

I was right, but I wasn't really enjoying it or being positive about it. Until one day, I caught my intention to this one girl with (E.C) eyes and (H.P) hair. So, like usual I would like to hit on her. There was another girl with her, so she was just a side bonus.

"Hey there ladies~," I said in a swooning voice. The girls looked up to me. The (E.C) eyed girl smiled, but the other one gave me a literal death stare. I was a bit worried if she was actually gonna kill me, but it wasn't the first time, so I kept on talking. "Are you free during break or something, so that we can grab a bite to eat?" The (H.P) hair girl chuckled. The other one just looked up to me with a cold expression. "Look, pal, I think the both of us will decline that offer," I looked down to say. "Oh, that's fine, we can schedule another ti-," until. "You know what, I and her are actually available today," she smiled brightly. I was pretty shocked because no girl accepted my offer before. "Wait, WHAT!? (Y.N), do you know what we're getting ourselves into!?" The girl screeched. "It's fine if he tries anything you can beat him to a pulp if you want," (Y.N) positively stated.

I backed up a bit from that little threat. "So where do you want to meet and what time?" she asked politely. "Wellllllll, since I offered you gals to it, why don't you choose," I tried to play it off cool. (Y.N) chuckled. "Well how about (F.R) at 5:30 p.m?" "Sure why not," I nodded and exchanged phone numbers. "Well see you tonight!" Both gals left and heard a bit of screaming from that other chick. That was the beginning of our friendship. After that we became friends in no time, but... something else happened during this period.

I think I've fallen in love with (Y.N). Well, it's too bad that I won't see her again. I wish, to see her smile again, one last time.

Back to Reality:

As I felt that splitting pain of my flesh being torn off, all I thought about was seeing (Y.N)'s face again. My flesh being ripped. I felt a smile urge on my mouth. "Monster...," I tried to speak. "Please... don't kill... (Y.N)," the pain was intense, I mean I am getting ripped off of my skin. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning to," he said calmly.

I smiled at the monster. As my eyes started to close, I felt my body numbed from all the blood and flesh drawn out of my body. I thought to myself, why am I taking this promise to a monster. Well, I don't know. I guess this forest really did make me insane.

Then... splat. 

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