Chapter 13

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 (Y.N) could feel Slender's tentacles tighten around her stomach. It started to crush her ribcage and her thoughts are in disarray. She didn't know what to do next, but that didn't stop her from surviving. The young woman looked around the room. At the same time, she was trying to stay unsuspicious to the tall man by staying in place and looking down. (Y.N) looked at a few of the shelves, one contained boxes and bottles of unknown material. 'Not helpful,' she thought. Another contained bottles of fetuses, which gave her slight disgust, but right now is the time to stay calm and collective even though Slender is literally killing your stomach. Then another seemed like the one to be helpful, a box cutter. The blade may be dull, however, it could be helpful in this situation. There's just one problem:

How is she gonna reach it with the tall monster looking straight at her scalp?

The silence now finally broken to Slender saying, "it's strange, how humans could stay calm in this position... they always talk about 'bravery' and 'determination' and all that other nonsense they're spreading through this world. I honestly have no idea how we are still able to coexist after many years of bloodshed and continuous murder from our kind. You, humans, are always populating every single day, no wonder some cannibals feel the need to eat their own kind... or not their kind at all." She looked up. She tried to speak, but the tentacle around her mouth made it unable for (Y.N) to speak any fluent words. All she could do to drool.

"It's an absolute disaster now... madness is spreading and in this generation of humans, they give no condolence to what's around them. Honestly, it's shocking how the lot of them are still alive till this day. It makes no sense... you humans really don't serve any purpose at all," (Y.N)'s eyes began to burn and gaze upon the monster. Although he didn't have a mouth, she could feel the smirk deeply hidden. He leaned right to her face. "The reason why you're weak is that you're unable to serve any purpose, you're causing our world to dysfunction and ruining it with every touch through the lands and seas."

She wanted to punch him.

"You speak this nonsense because you don't want to admit your vulnerabilities,"

She wanted to stab him.

"It's funny... how easy it is to tear the souls of humans both physically and mentally..."

She wanted to kill him.

"Just like your two friends... helpless and spontaneously trying to help others... it's rather... decent of them to do... but you know... it was rather easy tearing them... limb... from... limb-" there was that, the fire in (Y.N) started to burst. She kicked Slender right in his scrotum (crotch per se). Slenderman put his hands near it as he groaned in pain. 'What the!? I didn't even realize she was this willful!' The fierce girl ran to the box cutter at the shelf and grabbed it, then ran back to attack him. 'However...'

"DIE YOU KILLER!!!" The mad woman screamed. Before the young woman was about to conduct a deadly sin (reference *dab*) Slender's tentacles appeared near the ground and grabbed (Y.N)'s legs. (Y.N) slipped onto the floor on her head. The surface of the floor was hard and knocked (Y.N) out. (Y.N) could reminisce the time where she passed out. 'No... I was so close to ending it all...' Her eyes began closing as tentacles wrapped around her. 'I thought that I could avenge them... my pride... please forgive me... Tif... Calvin... Stacey... Issaic...' her brain started shutting down as all remaining light darkened.

'Well... that takes care of that,' Slenderman saw the unconscious woman on the ground thinking on what to do next. 'I don't think I'll kill her considering that it's time for dinner...,' he looked at a computer that suddenly turned on. He looked at the corner of the screen, stating "2:59 a.m". 'Oh dear... I gotta get back,' He then turned to (Y.N). 'I'll have to bring her along too... and maybe torture her...' He carried his victim with his tentacles. 'Time to go back home,' the tall man teleported.

All was left in the room they were previously in was scattered boxes and the box cutter laying on the ground. The computer, still dark blue, turned red. The blood-red screen slowly traced itself to an evil wide smile with red pixels.

"SO THAT'S WHERE YOU'VE BEEN, SLENDERMAN," A rather deep and sinister voice echoed through the room.

All was left was a red screen with a devious smile, at the bottom said the name:


Forgot to add this so shoutout to: 

EdgeLordCreator: for giving me support through this story and seeking for more updates which will come just be patient. 

Neisha22218: who laughed in an airport and embarrassed themselves (lol)

Thanks for the unconditional support everyone and wait for the next chapter!

- Zero

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