Chapter 10

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 As Calvin and Tif entered the room, they saw (Y.N) in a patient garment looking out through the window. The two young adults felt relieved. Tif stepped forward towards (Y.N)'s hospital bed. She could see medication and water near (Y.N) on a little table.

"Hey (Y.N)," Tiffany finally spoke out. (Y.N) hastily looked to Tif's and Calvin's direction, she started to tense up. "You guys...," (Y.N) slowly sobbed. "What happened to Stacey... to Issaic...," her heart started to hurt. Issaic and Calvin looked down to their feet. Knowing that two of their friends were murdered was the worst thing to be reminded of right now. "Look, (Y.N)...," Tif started to speak out. Tif, then, sat on the chair near (Y.N)'s bed. "I know that things aren't the best at the moment...but everything will get better, I can promise you that." "B-but, I just witnessed two of my good friends die in front of my eyes! How am I supposed to know that everything is going to be fine in the end Tif!?," (Y.N) burst out.

Tif and Cal got startled by the sudden outburst. "(Y.N)...," Tif emphasized. "Even though our still got the two of us, and that's what matters," Tif smiled, then leaned to give (Y.N) a hug. As (Y.N) sobbed on Tif's shoulder, Cal got ready to leave near the door. "Well, (Y.N), I hope you have a good night. Please rest, you'll need it," Tif smiled. "Bye (Y.N), see you tomorrow," Tif said softly. (Y.N) gave them a last heart-warming smile as the doors closed. 

'I feel like s**t today...,'(Y.N) slowly laid down on the bed. She looks at the ceiling. 'Damn it... why am I so weak,' she covered her face with her arms and started to sob. 'Why can't I do anything... to save my friends...,' she was thinking to herself. ' I so...weak...,' (Y.N) was slowly losing herself through her thinking then drifted to slumber.

In the Slenderman Household...

Slenderman teleported to the kitchen. The kitchen is quite spacious and looks like a restaurant's kitchen. Slenderman placed down the meat on the counter center of the room. "JACK!!!," Slenderman yelled. EJ kicked the door open and walked towards Slenderman's direction. "Yes, Slendy?" Eyeless Jack asked. "I want you to cook dinner tonight, for you know who," Slenderman stood there and organized the meats to there piles (through body limbs, assortments of inside parts, and small parts). EJ looked at the piles of bloody meats, then looked towards the counter. He looked back at Slenderman.

"You do know how long that'll take, Slendy?" EJ touched and grabbed some of the parts. "Of course I know, this isn't my first time doing this," Slenderman looked down at EJ. EJ sighed. "Of course, but it'll take quite a while to make into dinner, where are you going to do while I'm cooking?" EJ asked.

"To visit someone," Slenderman said bluntly.

"Like, who exactly?"

"Just... someone..." Slenderman started to walk towards the kitchen door.

"Right...," EJ walked towards the kitchen apron. "Anyhow, you better come back before 3 a.m.," EJ looked at the clock above the door. "It's 1 a.m. right now, so you better come back in 2 hours," EJ took out a box under the counter. "Right, right, but you better be cooking whilst I'm gone. Well, then get to it," then Slenderman teleported. 

"You've always been the pushy type, haven't you Slendy...," EJ whispered to himself. "Welp, while he's gone I better start cooking'," he said enthusiastically and pulled out a knife.

Back at the hospital...

(Y.N) wasn't able to sleep. Even if she tried closing her eyes just once, she felt her eyes open wide awake every time. That situation was so eye-opening that she could not get any sleep at all, and literally. She was looking to her left and right, having her paranoia catching up in her mind did not help her catch some z's. Her eyes were red as a college student staying up 24/7 to finish their project because they are a dunce to not do that in the first week of preparing for the work and instructions they got from their professor (#relatable). She felt as though things aren't the way they are. The atmosphere tensing up as insanity slowly crept in her brain.

She felt miserable. Thinking, 'this has to be the worst night of my life...' She stared at the ceiling above. Just staring at a white yet dim painted ceiling. 'I need water...' She started to slowly lay up. Her eyes down at her blanket. She looked to her right to see a water bottle. She slowly reached out for the bottle. Her fatigue made her movements sluggish. She grabbed the water bottle and slowly drank it with small gulps of water.

She finished placing the half-drunk water bottle back on the tray. She then looked back in front to find...

Him... 'No... no way, this can't be happening to me right now,' her eyes locked onto the tall man with fear. The memories started coming back piece by piece. (Y.N) felt her heart sank into the abyss. 'Please... go away...,' he took a few steps towards her. 'Get away from me...,' her body couldn't move but only tremble in fear. She couldn't think properly as her mind slowly crept into insanity. He leaned in closer to her inching his face towards (Y.N)'s. 'Please don't kill me!' Her thoughts slowly absorbed her sanity. Then when his face was inches away from (Y.N)'s...

"Why hello there... (Y.N)...," the tall man said.

(Y.N) couldn't process any more. Her violent shaking turned into a frozen statue gesture. The only thing she could think is, 'how does he know my name?'

"You may be wondering how do I know your name," he bluntly stated. (Y.N)'s spine shivered to its core. "You see... it's all about mind-reading and eavesdropping," again, she felt as though the man's smiling even though he has no face. "Peculiar, isn't it?" He slowly inched way from (Y.N).

"What do you want with me?" (Y.N) finally spoke. He looked to (Y.N).

"Why, isn't obvious?" (Y.N) slowly began to realize what he's about to say.

"To collect the corpses of people who know OUR secrets of course...," (Y.N)'s eyes widen with fear. She knew right at this moment, 'he's about to kill me.'

"However...," He towards the window. "I think I'll have to play with my food first before they're served," he spoke while looking out the window.

"What do you mean by that?" (Y.N) leaned towards the tray.

"Why... torture my food of course-" When he finished that statement, (Y.N) threw the tray directed at Slenderman's face. Slenderman used his tentacle to stop the tray. (Y.N) quickly stood up and dashed out of the room.

"Why this one's a feisty one...," he giggled.


Once again I'm so, so, sooooooooo sorry guys for the lack of updates. I recently got injured, but good thing it's only my foot, so I had to get a lot of medical notices and stuff.  Also, school stuff, tests, and projects are making me have absolute struggles, so it's awfully difficult for me to continue this story! I've been trying to find time for this, but my schedules been so blocked lately!!! Also, thank you for the support lately, I've been getting notifications about this story and I really appreciate it! Seeing your comments is really heartwarming and it encourages me to keep on moving forward! 

Thanks guys!,


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