Second Star To The Right

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The dusk was just beginning when land appeared at the horizon. They flew all night and a few minutes after they left Wendy already regretted not taking her coat. That wasn't the only way that the flight was less pleasant for Wendy. The boy, Peter apparently wanted to take home two boys, and he wasn't trying to hide it. He flew next to John the whole time and didn't say a word to Wendy at all. Luckily Trix wasn't half that bad, she flew alongside Wendy and although she was extremely active, Wendy got used to it pretty quick. Also, it was very easy to be distracted from all the strange things happening with Trix just chattering away. Obviously, Wendy was happy to arrive at the destination.

They all landed at the edge of an island. The island was beautifully green and they've happened to land next to a forest, except it wasn't that accidentally as it seemed at first sight. The second their feet touched the ground a loud noise came from between the trees. It sounded like some kind of big animal.

Wendy and John startle back, but Peter and Trix remain calm. Then, out of nowhere, a group of children jumps out, they look like savages! Their clothes are made of animal fur and their hair stands in all directions.

'Pan!' screams one of them, after which he gives him a hug.

'Pan?' Wendy whispers to Trix, not understanding why they called him that.

'Peter Pan' she whispers back.

It is his last name.

John walked over to Wendy, he isn't comfortable with the strange boys either. Right at that moment the eyes of the boys turn to Wendy. They look appalled.

'Who is thát?' one of the boys asks with an annoying grin.

Wendy gives him an offended look.

'Don't you have any decency? Just ask me!' she says with a frown.

The boy turns red from shame, he didn't expect that. Suddenly Peter bursts into laughter.

'Don't you have any decency?' he repeats in a mocking voice.

The shamed boy awkwardly laughs along and Wendy crosses her arms with an angry look. John sighs.

'Can't we just move on?' he asks with a tired voice.

'Of course' Peter answered with a little smile.

'Are we going to the Hole?' asks one of the younger boys, he looks about eight years old.

Peter nods and goes into the woods first. The boys follow right behind him and Wendy, John and Trix close the line. After a few minutes of walking through the woods, they arrive at an open space. Between two trunks was a mossy door. They all follow Peter through the door to a small room. Stacks of blankets lay against the wall and the room is lighted by a couple of candles on a rickety table in the middle.

'Welcome to the Hole' Peter says with a gesture to the room. 'Here's where we keep our supplies, however, we sleep outside most of the times, with a night watch of two who switch every two hours. So, the first watch will be taken by you John...'

John's eyebrows lower a bit. He doesn't like the idea of being alone with Peter at all. He just can't forget the look on Peter's face when Micheal said he didn't want to come.

'Actually, I'm very tired...' he says with a fake yawn.

A strange look appears on Peter's face, as if he wants to say something back, but can't.

'Fine' he says with a mild frown.

'I can do it' Wendy suggest with a small voice.

'No!' he immediately spits out. 'You have to stay inside the Hole'

Wendy flinches back a little, impressed by his intense answer.

'Sorry' mumbles Peter when he sees her reaction. 'It's fine, I'll just do it myself'

A few of the boys offer to go with him, but Peter made his decision, he was going alone.

'Make sure she doesn't leave' he says with a distant look.

The boys turn to Wendy with an uncomfortable look.

'What if she wants to go?' asks one of them, while nervously ticking with his foot.

Peter turns around

'Well you lock her up of course, but I'm sure Wendy doesn't want to leave' he says threatening.

He quickly looks at her with a warning glance and in Wendy's head alarm bells start to ring. This boy wasn't friendly at all, and the fact that he hides it makes things even worse.

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