Threats and Conversations

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For the first time since Wendy got here everything is normal, she eats together with the boys and does her chores and the boy aren't so mean anymore, she got to know Quinn and they became friends. She and Peter talk on a regular basis, but it was still as awkward as before.

Deep in the wild forest you can hear the boys sneaking through the bushes, everybody is focused on finding a deer or something like that.

'Lets split up into tiny groups' suggest one of them.

The others agree and they quickly start to make groups. John immediately claims Quinn, because he's one of the few boys he actually gets along with. John and Quinn go to the North deeper into the forest.

'My childhood was pretty much messed up... My dad was an alcoholic and he used to beat me up every day, my mother died when I was 10 so I was glad when Pan took me.' Quinn says with a distant look.

'I was so unhappy at home that I forgot that I had a little sister that was staying with my aunt, she had been there for over 3 years, now I regret my decision every day'

As he talks he gets really upset, John carefully puts his hand on his shoulder and with a sweet but doubting voice he calms him down.

'It's okay, you're not the monster here, I left my brother to and I didn't even have a horrible home to distract me...' Suddenly he turns his head to John looks him in the eyes and says

'Thank you'

They hold on to this for a second or two until John breaks the silence by clearing his throat. They quickly move back to lighter subjects.

'Let's go back to the Hole, It's almost lunchtime.' says John after a few minutes.

Peter climbs up the hill, he knows that he has to go talk to The Old Man but he doesn't really look forward to it. He wonders what he wants from him this time. When he reaches his destination The Old Man is already waiting... like always.

'Hello Peter, how are you doing?' he says with a smug smile on his face.

'What happened? I want to see if you didn't hurt anyone.' Peter says with an angry look on his face.

'Tell me all about that Wendy girl, is she a threat to me?'

'I won't tell you anything, I won't let you hurt her' he says with a much angrier voice.

'You know what will happen when you don't do what I want!'

He grabs a knife out of his pocket, Peter's face turns white.

'I will find out about that Wendy girl anyway, the point is that I have a knife and I can do anything I want including... You know what I mean. Now go away.'

'You monster! You disgust me! He screams as he storms away.

The Way To NeverlandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora