The End

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He's standing on the edge. He knows there is no way back. He was ruined at birth, a mistake, he should've died a long time ago and now the universe will be normal again. Humans should never be able to do the things he could. He staring at the dark void of a world that can not hold.

'Why did you do this to me!' he screams with his arms wide.

The wind pulls on his clothes, but he doesn't feel it.

'You néver gave me a chance! All this time I've been reaching for something, for anything to hold on to, but the world has always hated me!'

He slowly turns around until he's facing Neverland. He loved this place with all his heart. This is where he could go when the whole world turned on him, and now it's disappearing. He suddenly sees a little light in the distance, a bright spot in the dying, dark land.

'Trix!' he screams from the top of his lungs.

He stumbles down the hill, his eyes locked on the little light. He screams her name again, and she starts to run towards him. The light starts to fade a little, but he keeps looking at Trix. He's so close when she falls down, that he can fall to his knees and slide towards her.

Trix is getting bigger, but her light is quenching. He puts his hand on her shoulders.

'Don't...' he says, tears welling up in his eyes. 'Don't leave me'

'Trix!' he yells while shaking her shoulders.

She slowly opens her eyes a little.

'Neverland is gone, Joshua...' she says. 'You need to leave...'

Trix starts to cough and The Old Man pulls her to his chest.

'I'm sorry Trix, I chained you to a place you hated, but you were going to take your own life!'

Trix smiles while she looks up at him and tries to touch his face.

'I forgive you everything if you leave the past and start to live' she whispers.

Her hand falls down to the ground and her smile fades away. Her last light, the light in her eyes, extinguishes and he can see her soul is gone. He just keeps hearing her voice over and over again. I forgive you everything, but how could she forgive someone who took her from her home because he didn't want to be alone? How can she forgive someone who's so much more powerful than others? How can she, someone so pure and perfect, love someone who is evil?

He's back at home again, a small little boy who needs to learn from his parents.

He slowly gets up.

His parents are screaming again, they're always screaming.

He holds Trix in his arms and does one step.

He's beneath the stairs, he knows if he walks in his parents will get mad at him.

He does another step, tears roll down his cheeks and a horrifying scream escapes from his mouth.

The voices of his parents turn quiet and he cautiously walks to the door of the living room.

Almost all of Neverland is gone, he's surrounded by a dark void and a cliff formed in front of him. Trix death weight pushes heavily on him, but he doesn't seem to notice it.

He pries through the crack of the door. His mother is lying on the ground, blood in her hair. His father is standing, looking at her with a clock in his hands. The clock is still ticking when his father wipes the blood off and puts it down. Joshua falls down to the ground. tick tock, tick tock.

Joshua walks to the top of the hill with Trix in his arms. The wind pulls on his clothes and hair and the wind takes his tears away.

tick tock, tick tock

'You want it all' he whispers into the wind. 'You took my mother by manipulating my father, you took my powers after I made Neverland, and now you've taken my love...'

His head is in overdrive, his brain is thinking, creating, the little boy needs an escape, life is too hard, he needs something.

'You think you can play with me!' The Old Man is now yelling, and the wind is turning into a storm. 'I'm not your toy! No one plays with The Old Man!'

tick tock, tick tock

'No one plays with Joshua' he whispers. 'not even the lord'

His mind flees his body, he's in Neverland.

He jumps.

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