Loosing Patience

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Peter walks across the living room in one straight line, turning at the end to walk back across the same line. He does this repeatedly for a minute or 2 until he gets interrupted by Hector, one of the older boys.

'Eh peter what is wrong? he asks carefully.

'It's Wendy, she is gone for way too long now' Peter replies with an angry but mostly worried tone.

All of the boys stay quiet, they don't really care enough about Wendy to go look for her, but Pan is their leader and they want to please him.

Jeremy, one of the younger boys, steps forward and he mumbles: 'I'm sorry Pan but this Wendy keeps getting us in trouble so why should we go looking for her?'

The other boys are surprised by the courage of this little boy and they start whispering.

'Come on' mumbles Peter as he walks to the door, completely ignoring the little boy's question.

The boys don't follow and Peter turns around. He looks confused and repeats irritated:

'Let's go'

'Peter, we're not going...' says one of the boys hesitantly.

Peter walks back over to the group of boys, his eyes are dark.

'What did you say?' he asks, grabbing the boy by his shirt. 'You don't thínk, YOU OBEY!'

The boy frees himself from Peters grip and startles back while gazing at him with an unbelieving look. Another boy steps forward from the group.

'What's wrong with you man?'

'There's nothing wrong with mé' he says, pointing at his face with bulging eyes. 'You guys are nóthing without me. I shared my food with you James and I'm the one that shared my blankets with you, Harold, I can do this for every one of you, so you need to listen to me and help me find her damnit!'

Peter is halfway through the sentence when John and Quinn walk in.

'What's happening?' asks Quinn with a shocked face.

John is standing right behind him, just staring.

'They refuse to help me find Wendy!' Peter yells.

'Wait Wendy's gone?' John asks surprised.

Quinn stays quiet and a guilty look appears on his face.

'Quinn?' asks Peter furious.

'Quinn?' repeats John incredulous.

'She...She came to me and asked about Trix, so I told her to look at the pier!'

'What!?' scream Peter and John simultaneously.

'I didn't say anything at first, but she insisted! John, please don't...' Quinn grabs John's arm and looks at him with a look of desperation, but John pulls his arm free.

'Quinn,' Peter steps up to him with a threatening look. 'why didn't you tell me!?'

'Peter what was I sup-'

Quinn immediately shuts up when Peter punches him, straight in the face. Quinn falls to his knees and rubs his jaw.

'Come on Peter, we need to find her' says John, he doesn't look at Quinn at all and simply grabs Peter's arm.

Peter shakes John's hand off, but does follow him and together they leave The Hole to look for Wendy.

Wendy slowly sneaks between the trees and over the bright green moss. She pries with pinched eyes to the core of the smoke. There it is, the shimmer of light on a cage. She suddenly hears Peter's voice in her head: If you really need to find something, Neverland will bring it to you. At the moment he said it it was about the wolf cubs and he had only been seeking for something to cheer her up, but apparently, it worked for big things too, because she's looking at a cage with an extremely skinny girl in it. She has dark black hair that goes all the way down to her waist and bright grey eyes.

Nothing like Peter's wild brown hair and intense green eyes. She suddenly starts to miss him, a lot. Was it the right call to leave like that? She was so sure at that time but maybe she should've just talked to him.

'Pull yourself together Wendy...' she mumbles to herself. 'What's done is done. Now let's save that girl...'

She tiptoes closer to the cage until she believes she could touch it if she stretched her arm.

'Raven' she hisses.

The girl in the cage looks up. As soon as she sees Wendy she recoils.

'Who are you? Get away from me!' she says with a terrified face.

'It's okay, I won't hurt you. Please don't tell anyone I'm here...' Wendy whispers tense.

'What do you want?' Raven asks just as suspicious but a little bit softer, so at least she's willing to listen.

'I'm here to help you,' answers Wendy. 'My name is Wendy...'

'...I'm a friend of your brother' she adds after a short hesitation.

Raven's eyes light up a little, she's still not sure if she should trust this strange girl, but she has nothing to lose.

'Fine,' she says while crawling to the other side of the cage, if she stretched her arm through the cage she might be able to touch her now. 'What do you want me to do?'

Wendy smiles a little over her small victory, but her euphoria doesn't last that long, her face quickly turns serious again, her job isn't done yet.

'The cage, do you know how it works?' Wendy asks.

'If I knew how it worked I would've escaped before right?' answers Raven a bit sarcastic.

Wendy sighs, maybe she was Peter's sister after all.

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