Turbabat Mentum (pounding mind)

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I walked into the bathroom, my feet bare, staring into the mirror with my headache pounding. A voice whispering to me saying things like, do it or there's not enough time. It gave me these piercing migraines that just kind of ruined my whole day. I grabbed my bottle of pills that was noticeably decreasing in pills, which isn't good. I may need to go and see a doctor soon. I took two of them with a glass of water then headed towards my room to attempt sleeping. Instead of doing what I had intended, I just lie there with my hands behind my head, stomach facing the ceiling, feet outstretched, and heavy breaths.

The voice came again screaming at me, get up! You're in danger you fool. Which was considerably very coincidental timing because right after that I heard glass break downstairs and a man's voice. He spoke to another person; a girl. They started heading upstairs to where I was and just before they could reach the top step I grabbed my bow that I kept on the side of my bed, and knocked an arrow. I saw the man; he was about 6 feet tall and more pudgy than muscular. The girl appeared behind him; she was shorter, about 5'6, red hair and skinny. Then the voice in my head turned my skin cold. I could feel it seep into my arms and down to my legs. It felt so cold and I lost control of my body, which had turned all pale grey.


My skin and fat began deteriorating until the pale grey wrapped tight around my bones. I could feel wings start to sprout from my back, growing into boney wings that had barely enough skin to fly me. I felt light, confused, and scared when I saw the faces staring at me. They were the most horrified looks I had ever seen. No actor or actress could even begin to make this facial expression. I lost full control of my body and my voice too; which had changed into a deep one that sounded of sandpaper and fire. It spoke to the intruders " Leave you fools! You have no place here." Then the two thieves, who had looked so confident before, bolted out of my house faster than I could say stop. I turned back into myself after a couple seconds and looked into the mirror. 

I was startled when I saw my reflection because next to me was the voice. The pale grey, skinny, winged, demon was standing next to me. His smile was so unholy it made me shiver in a confused and terrified way. "Don't worry." He leaned down and spoke soft into my ear. "I am Zith, your personal demon." His accent was australian but still shook me because of how deep it was. The thing that worried me was that he was a demon; my demon. 

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