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Blink once. Check. Twice? Check. The time should be exactly 7:00 am. Yep. I get up out of bed in my nightgown; red with vertical white stripes. Time to make my way to the closet to find only the same outfits I see every morning. I pick up a grey long sleeve sweater and some leggings. By the time I get dressed it should be 7:10 am. It is. What a coincidence. I walk to my bathroom and brush my messy hair with the same black brush. I watch in the mirror as my light brown hair untangles as the brush passes by. Finished. I pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste and a cup that is filled with water, which I set nicely to the right of my sink. I scrub hard on my teeth making them shine like snowflakes. 7:15 am and I pack up my journalist bag; it's a dark greenish-grey that matches the weather outside my apartment. I looked out the window, up at the clouds then down at the people.

All of them walking around like little guinea pigs just wandering around in their cage but the people knew where to go. It's like everyone was programmed to follow the same pattern everyday, and I was included. There were some lucky people who weren't programmed with a pattern but instead live everyday like it's the last. That must be so much more exciting than blindly and tiredly doing the same thing everyday like nothing happens. It's why I see a therapist for my depression. My life is just so dull and grey all the time I can't be happy. I have no partner besides my cat, Tristy.

I headed down my stairs prepared for another day in my office. I didn't like my job but it pays well for me living alone in an apartment with a cat. I felt my glasses start to slink down my nose a little bit so I pushed them back out which made me accidentally drop my book, Gone. I reached down to pick it up but a tall girl with blonde hair in a bun, ocean eyes, brown glasses, perfectly white smile, a blue flowered black blouse, and leggings handed it to me looking at it with interest. "Hey, you dropped this." she smiled at me with her face turning red. "Hi, uh, thanks. I'm Silvia" I replied. The girl before me was absolutely stunning in beauty, which was one of the reasons I told her my name. It would be nice to have a friend that's not from the office.


"I'm Sydney" Her face got a little redder but it was actually kinda funny. "Well I should be going now, nice meeting you, Silvia" She turned to head upstairs but not before I stopped her. "Do you live here?" I asked hoping for the answer to be yes. "Uh, yeah. Do you?" maybe i'd run in to her again. "Yes. Well have a nice day Sydney." We went our opposite ways and I couldn't help but feel like this was gonna be a good day.


So for this story there was no latin name.

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