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Hiccups P.O.V

My stomach was full of the desire to combust. I don't like days like today. I was headed to the arena, dragon training. This is my last day, hopefully. I always feel so bad when I leave Toothless. He's the only friend I have. Well, other than Gobber, but I'm more his apprentice than anything else.

"Hiccup!" A scratchy voice yells from behind. Tuffnut Thorston. The other half of Ruffnut Thorston who share half a brain. He bolts his way in my direction followed by a Terrible Terror.

"Tuff!" I tell back.

He then jumps on top of me and hides behind my body as protection. I recognize this particular Terror from a flight me and Toothless went on a while ago. I named him Snuff.

"Get out of here, go!" I whisper before anyone can see, "Snuff!"

He looks at me and purrs then hovers in the air just above me and Tuffnut, he begins to growl at him and dives at him, butting his nose.

"Ow! Ow! I am hurt! I am very much hurt!" Tuffnut yells in agony.

Nearby people are beginning to notice the dragon, so I act fast before they bring out their weapons. I found a bucket of fish a few feet to my right. I took the smallest one and waved it in Snuff's face.

He smiles and comes down to me. What was I thinking? I can't be friendly with him? Think Hiccup, think! Then it hit me. I started running towards the forest making sure Snuff followed, then threw the fish into the tree line and watched Snuff fly after it.

I sighed in relief, that was close. I was greeted by a hand on my shoulder and crowd of applause.

"You did it again H, how did you do that? Are you magic? Teach me!" Tuffnut tells me.

"Uhh, y'know, I'm sure Gobbers expecting us to meet him for Dragon Training. We should get going," I suggest.

"Oh right, totally forgot. I was too caught up in the moment dealing with a monster!"

"Monster? That dragon wasn't too hard to handle now, it's the least fearless of most,"

"Dragon? What? Who are you talking about? I'm talking about my sad excuse for a twin sister,"

"Ruffnut?! What did she do?"

"Oh you know. Just another Thorston challenge. I lost, but she cheated! I can prove it. She also changed the rules. Usually we switch clothes to whoever loses, but this time, she made me poke a wild Terror! How haunting!"

"Is that why Snuff was chasing you?"

"Yeah- wait? Snuff? You named it?"

"What? No! Did I say Snuff? Heh, I umm, meant to say snot, yeah. Those Terrors are nothing but a big sliming pile of snot!"

"Eww. Too, far H. Too, far,"

Once we enter the arena I see Fishlegs going through his deck of cards on dragon information with Snotlout. I approach them.

"Why read words when you can kill the things the words tell you stuff about?" Snotlout asks.

"Because, Snotlout, some people, like me, care to know what it is I'm doing and if I'm doing it correctly, unlike you, I have a style,"

"Yeah, nerd style! I have class! Hey, speaking of nerds, here's Berks biggest one right now!" Snotlout says eyeing me.

"Yeah, yeah," I say as I walk past them. I decided their conversation was not what I intended to be part of, with overhearing that last part.

I stop in my tracks immediately when an axe flys in front of my face. Astrid Hofferson.

She's the most beautiful, stubborn, strong willed Viking on this island. I've had my eyes on her since I was little, well, little-er.

"Hey! Watch it! Or you'll become my next target and next time," she walks up to me and pulls her axe out of the target which she hit perfectly in the centre, "I won't be sorry," she glares.

"Point taken. I get it. Don't me in your way I see. Don't mind me. I'll just sit here in the corner and be myself. All....alone," I drifted off my words as I realized I was talking to myself.

A few moments later Gobber walks in.

"Okay kids, today, is the day," I look above me and see half of the village peering their eyes on us. Everyone's here to see me. I've gone from being the worst disappointment of a Viking on this island to one of the best, and it's all a trick.

"Oh yeah! It's dragon fighting time!" Tuffnut yells.

"More like dragon killing time, for me," Snotlout says with admiration of himself.

"Uhh, Snotlout, I hate to break it to you, but you haven't even gotten close to injuring one, you run off screaming every time,"

The whole village above laughs and and the twins snicker at Fishlegs comment.

"You're the one who's keeping score," he scoffs back.

"Okay! Settle down now!" Gobber yells, "today, we'll be getting at the Deadly Nadder. So, without further explanation, go!" He lifts up the wench and the doors burst open with a blue Nadder charging out.

"I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" Fishlegs shouts as he searches for a shield.

I dig in my pocket and find some of that long grass I found Toothless rolling in the other day; he really liked it. I can't just walk up to her, I've gotta act natural. Who am I kidding? I don't have natural!

I take my dagger out from my belt and hold it in the same hand as the grass in hopes of if being slightly hidden. I run towards the Nadder and wave it in her face she follows me and I'm almost at the doors. But then...

"Ahhh!" Ruffnut hurtles on top of the dragon's face shortly followed by her brother. Which he holds a hammer and a shield, banging them together distracting the dragon. Astrid then runs towards it with her axe in hand.

The Nadder jumps which makes Tuffnut fall of, he drops the shield and hammer, I take the hammer and throw it at her tail. She shrieks and her eyes narrow. Uh, oh! I pick up Tuffnuts shield and hide behind it. Tuffnut notices the situation and dives behind me again. The Deadly Nadder does a twirl like spine shot with her tail hitting Tuff's shield and Astrid's axe. Knocking her out of balance.

I rub my head in pain when the shield hit my head. I notice my hand still smells like fish. I jump up and run up to the Nadder with my dagger in my grass hand and the my fish hand free. I have her attention. I lead her through the maze course of the arena and back to her chamber just before anyone can get suspicious.

I close the doors and turn around. Everyone is staring at me in shock, as usual. Astrid lifts up her axe and starts swayed it back and forth shouting and screaming.

"No! Sun of a-"

"Woah" Ruffnut says in awe. I cringe and look away.

"Are we done here? 'Cause in need to, yeah. I'm late for-"

"For what?! Late for what exactly!?!" Astrid threatens me pointing her axe at my throat.

"Everyone line up, the elder has chosen!" Gobber says a he pulls Astrid away from me. We all stand in a line, everyone has anticipated this moment for a long time. Well, everyone except me. Gobber places his hand above everyone's head and Gothi decides who shall be the first to kill their first ever dragon I front of the whole village. It's supposed to be an honour, but it doesn't suit my needs.

I get more and more nervous every time Gothi rejects someone and Govber moves closer to me. I watch his hand hover above Astrid and Gothi shakes her head once again. Finally, last in line me, Gobber settles his fake hand over my scrawny body looks up at her. She nods her head and the entire village cheers. Well, everyone except Astrid. Who gives me the death glare.

"Congratulations Hiccup! You win!" Fishlegs shouts as he lifts me up on his shoulders.

I try my best to sound excited and smile, after this I was out of here.

"Oh, yeah. Great. This is awesome. I am so-"

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