First Oneshot - Leo & Jennie : You're His and He's Yours

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Hey, everyone!!!! How have you all like the book so far? Do you like it or not? I hope you like it! Anyway, I bring you guys the first oneshot of this book and let's start things off with The Fearless Leader and The Solo Princess! Hope you like this chapter!! Happy reading everyone!!!

It's just another ordinary day at the lair, Jennie is watching MTV with Swag Leo (SL)  on the couch while Leo and the others are training in the dojo.

She is currently focusing on the Dua Lipa interview that's goin' on and so SL took this opportunity to put his arm around her shoulders, smiling happily on the inside while still keeping a cool and calm expression on the outside.

Truth is, even though him, Swift and Leo are friends, he still doesn't like the fact that his crush, Jennie, is going out with Leo and not him. He wished that it was him who could hold her in his arms, who could kiss her at night, who could comfort her, but sadly Leo beat him to that.

The two stayed like that for a few more minutes, the brown haired teen still too engrossed in the show that she still doesn't realize SL's arm that's still around her shoulders.

"Sup, Jen." the hoodie wearing turtle, Swift, greeted as he sat down next to the said girl, opposite from SL.

Swift is a complicated turtle, but one thing's for sure is that he is head-over-heels for Jennie. He would usually spent most of his time with her instead with his brothers and, just like SL, is also jealous of the fact that the brown haired teen is going out with Leo instead of him.

"Oh, hey, Swift. What do you need?" Jennie greeted the pierced lip turtle.

"Oh, nothing. Just wanna watch some TV. With you." Swift replied in a nonchalant tone as he turned his head slightly to look at her and gave her his signature side grin, making Jennie giggled.

SL, who has been seeing the whole scene, can't take seeing Swift flirting with Jennie and so decided to step in to the conversation.

"So, Swift. You really wanna watch MTV? I thought you said that this channel is only for people who doesn't have a life and can only obsessed with snobby rich jerks and strippers." SL pointed out, smirking in the end. He knew that Swift doesn't like music and so that's one of the reasons why him and the pierced lip turtle isn't so close. "Yeah, SL's right. Why do you suddenly wanna watch it?" Jennie agreed.

Swift mentally cursed SL for pointing that out. It's true that he can't stand watching something like MTV and the only reason he's watching it right now is only so that he could be with his crush, but he would never say that in front of Jennie.

"There's a first time for everything, right?" Swift replied. He let out an inwardly sigh of relief as Jennie seems to accepted his answer. He gave SL a 'you're-so-dead' look and turned his attention back to the TV, trying his hardest to enjoy the show.

'Watch out, SL. You're so gonna' get it!' the hoodie wearing turtle mentally exclaimed. 

The three continued to watched the TV for another hour until it's time for the turtles to go on their nightly patrol. The Swag Turtles, Street Punks, and TMNTs are already out of The Lair, except for The Fearless Leader, Leonardo, who is just standing in front of the entrance of The Lair.

"Leo? Aren't you going to follow them?" Jennie asked from behind her blue claded boyfriend. Leo turned around to face his girlfriend and trapped her in a hug, which she gladly returned. Leo has seen the way SL and Swift would look at her and he knows that they have a crush on her. His girlfriend! He would never allowed them to take her from him. She's his and he's hers.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll catch up to them in a minute. I just wanna let you know how much I love you, my princess." Leo said, his arms now around her waist. 

"Aww, Leo. I know you love me. You don't need to remind me. I love you, too." Jennie awed at his romantic side and pecked his green lips.

"I know, but I guess... I'm just... umm..." Leo trailed, suddenly becoming flustered. He couldn't finished what he wanted to say out of embarrassment. Suddenly, Jennie leaned in and closed the distance between them, giving Leo a short and sweet kiss on the lips. When Jennie pulled apart and looked at the blue claded turtle's eyes, she can see worry and fear in them.

"Leo... why are you scared?" the brown haired teen asked, her voice laced with worry. She knew that the turtle she fell in love with is not one to get scared over the smallest things, unlike his orange claded brother, so seeing him so worried and scared made her afraid as well. 

"Jennie... I'm afraid... I'm afraid of losing you..." Leo sighed, looking away.

"What makes you say that, captain?" the brown haired teen tried to lighten the mood by using the nickname she gave him, but it doesn't seem to work.

"I've seen how SL and Swift has been acting around you today and I'm scared that they would do something to take you away from me." the katana wielder admitted.

Jennie's eyes widen at that, but quickly soften and gave her boyfriend a soft, reassuring stroke on his right cheek. Leo then cupped her hand that's still stroking his cheeks and uses his other hand to cupped her cheek, a smile of relief  forming on his face. Even though the brown haired teen didn't say anything, the look in her eyes tells him that there's nothing to worry about and that she will never left him.

"Leo, you are my boyfriend. That means you are the only one I would give my heart to. You're the only one in my heart. And you mean so much to me. You're strong, brave, fearless and special. I would never cheat on you for anything in this world." Jennie reassured. Her love for the leader is so strong and so deep that she would do anything for him, even giving him her life and she knows that he would do the same for her. That's why she love him. That's why she's his.

"Thanks, princess. You made me feel so much better. I'm sorry for thinking that you would leave me. I should have known that you would never do such a thing. I'm so sorry for doubting you. I'm-" Leo was cut off by a pair of soft lips on his. He almost instantly kissed back and he wrapped his green arms around the brown haired teen's waist as Jennie wrapped her arms around the ocean blue eyed turtle's neck. That kiss caused butterflies to flutter on both their stomach and their hearts to beat extremely fast. They kept on kissing for what feels like hours, but was interrupted by a wolf whistle. They turned towards the source and saw Raph and Swag Raph (SR) standing right at the entrance, arms crossed and a big smirk on both of their faces.

"R-Raph! What are you both doin' back here?!" Leo exclaimed, flustered.

"We came to check on you to see what's holdin' ya, but it turns out that you're just face-sucking your girlfriend!" SR answered, making Raph to turn into a laughing mess. Leo's cheeks turned crimson and scoffed as he turned his attention back to his princess.

"I gotta go now, but I'll see you later, okay?"

"Of course and remember, Leo. I'm yours and you're mine."

Leo nodded and kissed Jennie's forehead, causing a bright pink blush to arise from her cheeks. Leo then left with Raph and SR, leaving a smiling Jennie behind. She looked towards the direction her wonderful boyfriend just went and thought to herself,

'You're mine and I'm yours'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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