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"Going back?"

Jihye was startled,goosebumps raising her skin shocked with the voice.She turned around when he saw Taeil was standing behind her smiling at her.

"Im sorry if im scared you",Taeil came closer to her checked whether she was fine or not.

Jihye nodded admitting she's fine before she bowed then turned back.


Jihye stopped then looked back at Taeil.

"Are you coming to work tomorrow?",Taeil asked.

Jihye looked up figured on her mind about her plans.

Her eyes moved back to Taeil,"Im not coming tomorrow because i have class.Im sorry",she apologized.

Taeil smiled,"dont apologize.Its not like you're working full-time here",he said.

Jihye smiled.

Her smile makes Taeil's heart skipped a beat.

She excused herself then waved goodbye at him.

Taeil waved back at her without realized his head already red ravaged in shyness.

"What am i thinking?",he slapped his face and quickly went inside the cafe.


Jihye walked inside her house when she saw Lucas was sleeping at the living room.

She walked slowly to Lucas afraid that Lucas might awake if she walked wrecklessly.

Lucas flinched,he opened his eyes then looked at Jihye who was panicked felt guilty to make him awake.

He smiled then pulled Jihye's body closer to him before he hugged him.

"I miss you so much"

He looked at Jihye's face then kissed Jihye's cheek.

"I brought some food for you.Lets eat together",Lucas said to Jihye.

Jihye nodded.

"Let me change my clothes for a while",she smiled and stood with her back facing Lucas.

"Do you want me to help?",Lucas said with a grin.

Jihye turned around then pinched Lucas's shoulder.

She laughed while Lucas anguished in pain from the pinch.

She cupped Lucas's face then kissed his forehead,"im sorry",

she smiled at Lucas then walked inside her room while Lucas smiled widely felt happy receiving that kiss.

Fragile //Lucas NCT ffWhere stories live. Discover now