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"Wow,you came early today!"

All of the nurses looked at Jihyo while Jihyo walked to the counter looking for patients records.

One of the nurses approached her then tapped her shoulder,

"Yah,why you dont tell us that you know the patient?"

Jihyo raised her eyebrow,

"Which patient?"

She covered her mouth while laughing ignoring Jihyo who was waiting for her answer.

"The room 231 guy",she answered with a smile teasing Jihyo.

Jihyo felt something snapped in her heart,

"Do they knew im sneaking to his room ?"

Jihyo was deep in her thought when her co-worker waved her hand infront of Jihyo gaining Jihyo's attention.

"What are you thinking about?Im talking to you"

Jihyo shifted her gaze to her co-worker then slightly smile.

"I saw your sister met that room 231 guy,i just assume that you guys know each other.Dont get mad at me,im just kidding",she explained.

Jihyo felt relieved,glad didnt get caught.
Her co-worker excused herself then Jihyo continue doing her work.


While working,her mind being disturbed with countless thoughts.

"How did Jihye knew Doyoung?"

Suddenly,she remembered what Doyoung told her before.

"Does Jihye knew the 'friend' that Doyoung talked about?"

Worrying slowly creeping in her,she quickly walked away from there.

She took the phone inside her bag then called Jihye but Jihye didnt answered.

"Why is she doesnt pick up her phone?",she,mumbled herself.

She decided to text her sister,

Jihyo:where are you right now?

Jihye:im at a restaurant with Lucas.why unnie?

Jihyo:i thought i want to have lunch with you.

Jihye:unnie,im sorry.i already visited the hospital earlier but then Lucas wanted to go to his mother's favourite restaurant and eat there.Lets eat together next time.im sorry 😔


Jihyo put her phone back inside her bag when she saw someone familiar at the park near the hospital.

She walked to the park then sat beside Doyoung.

They both sat quietly looked infront when Jihyo break the awkward atmosphere,

"Feeling well?"

Doyoung looked at her then smiled.

"They already discharged me,now i can go back home",he answered happily.

Jihyo awkwardly nodded then looked back infront,

She carefully stole a glance looking at Doyoung who was smiling happily,

"Weirdo,stop with that smile"

Eventhough her mind hate it but her heart reacted the opposite.

Her heart felt happy and calm watching Doyoung's smile.

"Thank you"

Jihyo turned her face to Doyoung,

Fragile //Lucas NCT ffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon