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Lucas and Jungwoo were at the living room.

Lucas was drawing while Jungwoo was finishing his homework.


Lucas ran to Jungwoo while bringing his paper to Jungwoo.

He passed it to Jungwoo while grinning.

Jungwoo looked at the paper after thanking his brother.

"Wow!You're very good at drawing",he complimented Lucas.

Jungwoo patted Lucas's head felt thankful for the drawing eventhough its just two stick-figure holding each other hand.

Lucas smiled widely as satisfactory exist after being receiving the compliment.

Lucas hugged Jungwoo,

"I love you brother",he said to Jungwoo.


"What are you thinking of?"

Lucas looked at his side when he saw Mrs Yu was sitting beside him.

"You kept on smiling,why are you so happy?",she asked.

Lucas shooked his head then smiled.

He also doesnt know how to express the feeling,but maybe it could be

'missing someone'


Doyoung was standing infront of the river.

He always came to the bridge so that he can spend his time alone.

His eyes were mesmerized with the view infront of him.

Suddenly,he heard someone called him.


He turned around but no one was there.


He kept on turning around until he felt like someone was standing infront of him.

He looked infront then saw a cheerful little girl looked at him.


Doyoung was astounded with his sister standing infront of her.

Yujin was grinning until suddenly her smile vanished from her mouth.

Her face turned blueish,her eyes flowing with tears with his neck full of red marks.

"Oppa,why?",she said to Doyoung.

Doyoung held his head,he felt dizzy as Yujin kept on talking to him.

"Oppa,why?",Yujin kept on repeating the same question.

Doyoung kneeled to the ground while his head against the ground.

He felt his head was spinning,embarking with many things.


He yelled.

When he pulled his face up,Yujin was not there.

"Yujin?Yujin?",he turned around looking for his sister.

Guilty and regret engulfed him as he began crying and shouting begging for forgiveness.

He knew it was his mistake but he have no choice.

"Im sorry,Yujin!Im sorry!",he kept on crying while hitting his chest as he felt heat burning on his chest.

He really wished he can turn back time but even if he can go back,he still have no choice.

Fragile //Lucas NCT ffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora