Fail After Fail-- I thought I was Better then This?

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Hi to the two people who read the frst chapter. Here is the second one :p 

It had been three weeks that Zim had been back, Dib could definitely tell that he was different, he haddn't tried to do anything yet though, he said he was saving his energy for is master plan, Dib just shrugged it off because knowing Zim it'll fail. Come to think of it Zim haddn't been hasn't been at school for the past few days, maybe his 'master plan' was in action. 

As soon as the bell ran Dib walked down the side walk but didn't turn the corner to his house instead he headed for Zim's 'home base'. He knocked lightly at the door just shrugging off the staring lawn gnomes. Gir came to the door and smiled. 

"HI MARY." he dragged Dib into the house. He then sat back on the couch and continued to watch angry monkey show. Dib walked over abit confused, but over the four years that he had taken in Gir He had gotten use to the robot's confusing ways. 

"Hey Gir, do you know why Zim hasn't been at school?" He asked sitting with Gir causally. He looked at the screen of the T.V. it was on a commercial telling them something about a new cereal, Dib just kinda ignored is and looked back at Gir, but the mall robot was no longer in the spot on the couch where he once was. Dib stood up and looked around sighing. "Gir?" He called out entering the kitchen. As he realized that Gir wasn't going to answer He got inside the garbage can and hit lowered him to Zim's main lab. He looked at Zim who had been slouched over typing something furiously into the computer. He stopped and turns around.

"Dib!" he said, his voice was dark, and deep, it was unusual coming from the Green alien. His disguise was off, his pink eyes boring into the mind of Dib, his entente flattened on his head. "I've been awaiting your arrival." he chuckled.

Dib stepped back, surely he wasn't serious, how would he had known that he was going to come over here. "Zim stop messing around, why haven't you been at school for the last few days?" Dib asked looking anywhere but Zim's eyes.

"So I could get you here." Zim stepped forward causing Dib to.step back again. "I knew that if I ask come  you would have known something was going on, and you don't stop by is normally as you used to, and I knew you would think I was up to something if I didn't come to school for few days therefore you would come to my base and check on me, try to stop me." A smirk crept upon Zim's face.

He is definitely smarter then last time. Dib thought and took note. "Maybe I wasn't here because you, maybe I came to visit Gir, you know I did take care of him for 4 years." Dib lied, Zim was totally correct, he was here to check on him to make sure he wasn't doing anything bad.

Zim chuckled. His low chuckle became into a full laugh, his laugh then quickly stopped. "Oh Dib-thing I know you're not here for Gir, I know I can see it." he stepped forward more he was now just a foot away from Dib.

Dib panicked, his back was against the wall and there was no where to run. As Zim got closer Dib saw something in his hand, it looked like a toy laser gun. Once close enough, He pointed it at Dib.

Just before he pulled the trigger, he leaned in bit closer. "I don't need you to get in the way of anything." He then fired it, but nothing happened. " come on." he mumbles under his breath, hitting his toy gun a few times. After he hit it one last time  it fell apart in his hands.

Dib took. this opportunity escape, he exited the house and took a break for it to his house. Within the next week, he had tried to experiment, to destroying, to hypnotize, anything to Dib that would make him less of a threat. Nothing worked. Zim knocked at Dib's door one Friday after school.

Gaz answered. "Your face makes me sick." She closed the door, only to open it moments later after another knock. "Listen here freak, interupt-"

He cut her off. " Just give this to him." He held out a small ball with what looks like smoke with in it. Zim then quickly dashed away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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