CHAPTER 3: Natasha Goes To School

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The sound of my alarm screeched in my ear and I had to resist the urge to pull out the gun that I slept with under my pillow and shoot it. I groaned, reaching over and hitting the alarm, slapping it with my hand, until it finally shut off. I stumbled out of bed, taking the covers with me, tripping and falling into a heap on the ground. I groaned, not wanting to get up. I laid there for a moment before begrudgingly untangling myself from the covers and going to the bathroom.

I took a long look at myself in the mirror, noticing every curve and every freckle. My long red hair was an absolute mess. I looked in the sink drawers until I found a pair of scissors and immediately began hacking away at my hair. I knew that if I hesitated, I would lose the heart and motivation to do it. My hair fell to the ground in large heaps as it detatched from my head. I tried to stay emotionless, knowing that an attachment to hair was a ridiculous notion. When I was done, I looked at my beautiful locks on the ground, knowing I would never get them back. Not for a long time anyway.

I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at my new look in the mirror. My hair was now a few inches above my shoulders. Before I had cut it, it had been very thick and straight, the sheer weight bringing it down. Now, my hair had the same thickness, but now curled slightlly.

It looked beautiful.

The new do shaped my face nicely and made me look older. I shook my head lightly, letting the loose strands fall. I took of my clothes and got in the shower, ready to wash away some of my stress and anxiety. And to feel my new hair in my hands.

After I had dried off, I found that I was still happy with my hair, deciding that's how I would cut it from now on. I imagined myself as a grown woman with this haircut, and smiled. I walked back into my room and put on a pair of skin-tight dark jeans, and my favorite combat boots, which were a little rough looking, but they were comfortable and reliable. I pulled a plain black V-neck over my head and combed my drying hair, taming the fiery beast. I looked in the mirror again, making sure everything was in its' place. Isn't this what normal kids did? Pick out a special outfit for the first day of school?

I got my bag together, putting a few notebooks and writing utensils in there. I also put a small gun, taser, pepper spray, and knife in there, along with a few other hand-held gadgets. I was making sure I was prepared for whatever came my way. I wanted to get this mission done and over with. I slipped a knife in each of my boots, hiding them from view.

I looked in the mirror one last time, happy with what I saw. I turned on my heel and walked out. I walked down the stairs quickly, my bag bouncing against my side.

I was surprised to see Bernard already waiting at the front door. He was dressed the same as yesterday, and I knew he had weapons concealed on his person. He had his sunglasses on, even though we were inside. My mind flashed to the scar I had seen that lies beneath those shades.

"Are you ready?" he asked me, looking down at me. He was just so large. I couldn't imagine fighting him if I needed to.

"Obviously." I said, sarcastically, motioning to my dressed self and my bag.

"For the mission." He said, slightly irritated.

Oh. "Yes." I said curtly, trying my hardest not to roll my eyes. It was obvious that he thought I was a joke. I pushed past Bernard and out the front door. As expected, there was the standard, black SUV waiting in the driveway. I hopped in the passenger seat and waited for Bernard to join me behind the wheel.

I didn't have to wait long. He got in the car, slammed the door and started the engine, all without saying a single word.

I watched the scenery as we sped by, trying to clear my head, to close the pit that was opening in my stomach. I didn't know why I was so nervous. I have been on far, far, FAR more dangerous missions than this. So why was I freaking out?

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