CHAPTER 8: School Spirit

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We walked into the school as if nothing had happened at the start of the weekend. 

Apparently, Clint knew the woods very well, which is why he had taken us in there in the first place. He could walk in there with his eyes closed and get where he intended. It was also where he hid his precious bow. He said that when SHIELD's men had gone back to survey the area, that Meg, her boyfriend, and Dr. Vincent had been no where in sight. He told me that he did know whether to be excited that he wasn't a murderer or distressed because murderers had gotten away. I told him not to worry about it; he had saved my life. I owed him a huge debt that could never be repaid. Never. 

The Director of SHIELD, his name was Nick Fury, had told me that enough blood had been drained from my system, that there was no trace left of the magic blood the Master had put into me. For that, I was thankful. 

It gave me an advantage and an outlet. 

But now, I had to finish the job I had started. Not for the Master, but for me. And for every girl, or child, that had been murdered in the name of insanity. 

I already had a plan. 

And Clint was going to help me. 


We sat in class, listening to Mrs. Kat talk about who knows what. I had stopped listening a long time ago. 

Every now and then, I saw Sabrina give me a nasty look. She obviously knew what happened this weekend, but was in no hurry to expose it. 

Too bad that I was about to. 

The intercom suddenly beeped, signalling an announcement. "Please excuse this announcement." And would you know it, Dr. Vincent was up and running, talking to us over an outdated intercom system. "For the last hour of the day, the entire school will report to the gymnasium for a Pep Rally, honoring the start of the football season. Thank you." She hung up the phone. 

I immediately looked at Clint. He was already looking at me, thinking the same thing as me, that this was our chance. I looked at the clock. In exactly 30 minutes, the party would get started. 

And it would be full of school spirit. 


Clint and I stormed out of the classroom as soon as we were dismissed, heading straight for the gym. 

The halls were filled with the entire student body. I had never seen it this full. The high schoolers clearly overpowered us middle school kids. I began pushing through them, Clint in tow. Some of the older kids gave me odd looks, but ultimately let me through. I stopped in my tracks, making Clint bump into me. 

"Humph!" He righted himself. "What?" He asked. 

Up ahead, I saw Meg, in all her tan, blong glory. She was surrounded by a dozen girls, all her age, and they all looked almost identical to her. 

And they were all staring at me. 

All their eyes were black pits, ready to suck me in. Meg smiled, exposing her fangs. She tilted her head and then looked to the side. Soon, six young girls came to join the high school seniors. It was Sabrina and her gang. She turned to see what Meg was staring at, and then, like a child, stuck her tongue out at me. 

I couldn't help but laugh. 

Meg motioned to her possy, and they followed her to the gym, all their hips swinging with the same rythmn. 

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