CHAPTER 10: Two Years Later

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"Behind you!" Clint yelled.

I ducked, spinning my leg out, and kicked the man in the chins so that he fell to the ground.

"Up top!" I yelled.

Clint let an arrow fly, hitting a guy in the leg.

Fighting was our life now. We worked as a team. And a splended one.

Within minutes, we had won.

After we ran away two years ago, we decided to come clean about our pasts. He told me all about his dad and what he had been through. And I told him all about my upbringing and all the jobs I had done.

There was no bad blood between us, no judging. Just partnership. We were inseperable. We looked out for one another. We were among the most hunted people in the world, but no one could ever seem to catch us.

Black Widows were masters of disguise and of the shadows. Hawks stayed up high, hiding where you would never expect to find them.

We walked away from the scene, leaving the men writhing in pain. The police would find them soon. And then the same police would try to find us. And they would fail.

"So. How about that dance?" Clint asked.

I laughed. "I still haven't bought a dress."

"I can't rely on you for anything." He joked.

"Want to go sabotage some mansions? I'll slow dance with you in a grand ballroom, dressed as a master assassin." I winked at him, motioning to my outfit.

"Ah," He winked back. "I can deal with that." He began running. "The last one there has to open the safe!"

I ran after him, catching up quickly. "Happy Halloween!" I yelled to the sky. Clint crowed and we ran, ran into the night, ready to cause some damage.

And we were always aware that SHIELD was watching, ready for us to leave the dark side.

But it was just too damn fun.



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