CHAPTER 9: Class Skippers Get More Done

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I was sitting in class, tapping my pencil loudly against my desk. 

I tried to keep my breathing normal, but it was hard. 

The Master wanted me to kill Clint. 

My only friend, my partner-in-crime. The boy I had a crush on. The boy who saved my life. 

I was trying to find a way out of it. 

Sure, I was no longer a bomb. But there were other ways of killing me. Maybe if I hid Clint somewhere, faked his death. No. No, I couldn't ask that of him. 

I slammed my head down on the desk. I wanted to scream. This was so frustrating! I wanted to cry, to yell out to the world how this was unfair. 

I bounced my leg fast, and my fingernails dug into my palms. 

"Natalie!" Mrs. Kat chastized. I sprung up. "Are you alright?" She asked. Everyone was looking at me. 

"Uh-um.." I stammered. "Massive headahe." I scrunched my eyebrows together. "May I go to the nurse?" I had no intention of going to the nurse. 

I was about to skip class. 

"Sure." Mrs. Kat said, looking at me oddly. School was almost back to normal now, after the hype of yesterday's arrests. There were still talks and gossip, but school was school, and you had to go to class. 

I got up, grabbed my back and left the room. As I turned to shut the door, I looked Clint dead in the eyes and motioned with my head for him to follow. I shut the door and waited in the hall. 

Five minutes later, Clint walks out, his hand bloody. 

"What the-?" I looked at his hand. 

"I had to get creative. Sorry." He said sheepishly. "I just need some paper towels." He walked into the boys' room and came out, his hand less bloody and wrapped in a paper towel. He looked at me. "What's going on, Nat?" He said worried. 

"I can't tell you." I said, tears coming to my eyes. I covered my mouth with my hand. 

He sighed lightly. "You don't have to tell me." He looked at me, and I knew immediately what he meant. I didn't have to tell him, but I could trust him. 

"Would you run away with me? Run and never stop?" I asked. My voice quivering. The tears were falling now. 

He feigned disbelief. "What? You mean skip class?!" He whispered dramatically. 

I couldn't help but laugh. 

"I'd love to." He said, taking my shoulders. 

I looked at him in awe. "Really?" 

"Yea!" He shrugged his shoulders. "I've got nothing holding me down. Besides, we would be more productive than sitting in a classroom filled with idiots." He joked. "So, where to, my lady?" he bowed dramatically. 

I smiled and ran at him, engulfing him in a hug. "How about Budapest?" I whispered in his ear. 

"Sounds exciting." He looked at me. "But just so you know, I am the hero. You're the sidekick." 

I laughed. "Oh, really now?" 

He laughed too. 

And then we walked out the front door, hand in hand. 


We were deep in the woods. We were running away, running into who knew what. I would have to hide, lay low for a while. But I could do it. I wasn't alone. Never would we leave each other's side. 

We had walked for a solid hour when Clint stopped. "Wait!" He reached into his pocket. "I forgot! I was going to give you this earlier." He put a necklace, a small silver piece with a delicate chain in my hand. Upon inspection, I noticed that it was a small arrow. I smiled and looked up at him, my heart warmed. "To remind you that I am always there for you." He said. 

"I don't know what to say." I told him. 

"Just wear it." He said, taking it out of my hand and fastening it around my neck. "There." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I immediately blushed. 

"My, my. You two really are a pair." I whirled around at the sound of the voice. My heart calmed when I saw who it was. 

"Director Fury." I said. Clint waved. 

"Have you thought anymore about what I said?" He asked, walking up to us. "Either of you?"

"I go where she goes." Clint blurted. 

I looked solemnly at the Director. "I appreciate the offer. Really, I do. I just- I don't think-" I tried to find the words. "I'm not a hero. I don't know if I can be good. Or if I even want to." I looked down. 

"I understand. I do." He said quietly, but he sounded disappointed. "We are hunting down the Master as we speak. He is within our grasp, as are all of his followers. You can sleep soundly at night." I looked up at him in awe. 

"Really?" I asked, squeezing Clint's hand.

Fury nodded. "Run away little spider and hawk. Cause some trouble. I will be in touch. Keep me in mind. You might find that you want to travel a different path someday. And I will welcome you both with open arms." He smiled and then turned, disappearing into the shadows. 

My chains had been cut. 

I was free at last. 

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