Chapter 3

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Percy POV:

I woke up the next morning in the same position I had fallen asleep in. I stood up and winced as I heard the cracks and pops that my back was making. I'm not sure what I wanted to do now. Before the war, everything was set out for me and I just had to follow the path that life had paved for me, but now, I don't even know where that path is anymore.

I was still confused about my friendship with Artemis. I didn't know whether or not she was okay with me or if she still hated me like every other math on the planet. There was no way that she actually liked me as a friend though. That was a little bit farfetched. A part of me felt disappointed that I would never be able to get close to her. I quickly shut it out. Bad Percy. She's a maiden goddess. There's no way she'd see as anything more than a lowly male, I thought angrily.

I moped around on the same hill, before deciding that I needed to do something to get my blood rushing again. I jumped up and started my morning work out. As I finished a set of push-ups, I thought about where I wanted to to go now that I had nothing left.

I decided that I would leave and live a life on my own as a punishment for letting girlfriend and friends down. Everybody that ever got close to me ended up getting hurt and I was tired of it. I would never be the cause of another death ever again. If I left the face of the Earth, then nobody would ever be able to find me and get killed by me in the future.

The world didn't need me anymore. Nobody wants a broken boy, who doesn't even know what to do with his life anymore. They needed somebody who was a real hero, not some teenage boy who wasn't even strong enough to save his friends.

I walked to a nearby beach and waded into the cold water. The moment my foot touched the water, I felt reinvigorated and my body lost all of the original tiredness. I jumped head first into the waves opened my eyes.

My body seemed to move on it's own and swim towards the depths of the ocean until I reached the front gate of my father's palace. A guard was posted at the gate, standing in a uniform position with his spear held at his side, waiting to be used. As I approached him, he suddenly launched into action and pointed his spear towards my vulnerable throat.

"Halt in the name of the King! State your name and your purpose immediately!" yelled the merman.

"My name is Percy Jackson and I am here to see my father. I believe his name is Poseidon. I do not think my father would be too happy if you showed up in his throne room with his dead son, who had been run through by his father's own guard," I said sarcastically.

The guard shot up like a bullet and started bowing before apologizing profusely," I'm so sorry, My Prince. I did not know that you would be coming here and I didn't recognize you. Of course you are welcome in the palace at any time."

I smirked at the nervous tone in his voice and nodded, indicating that I had accepted his apology. He dumbly stood there for a minute before I gestured with my hand in the direction of the palace.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll take you right to him," the merman said as he snapped out of his trance.

We swam through the grand halls of the palace until we reached a room with a door that was labeled "King and Queen Quarters". I dismissed the guard and watched as he swam away to resume his job at the gate before lifting hand and preparing to knock, when the door swung open and there stood Poseidon, Master and God of the sea. His his face had wrinkles and bags under the eyes, indicating that he had not slept for a very long time. His eyes lit up at the sight of his favorite demigod son.

"Percy, my son! What brings you here?" he almost yelled.

"Hey dad, I was just stopping by, but while I'm here, I think I should tell you something," I said making sure that nobody was listening," I think I need some time to myself after everything that happened recently. I'm going to disappear and try to stay under the radar. I just want some peace and quiet for one, but the Fates seem to be set on giving the hardest life they can. I'm still far from recovering from the loss of Annabeth."

My eyes watered and I felt my body tense just thinking about her. My father seemed to understand, as he wrapped in a tight hug and whispered,"Take as much time as you need, son. Just remember that if you ever need guidance of support, then come to the sea and I will be there for you."

I smiled gratefully at him before I dissolved into mist (He will have a couple extra powers; nothing too overpowered) and traveled away from the palace, knowing that it would be a long time before I would come back.

I found myself on the beach, with palm trees and greenery behind me. Pulling out riptide, I walked into the underbrush, preparing for whatever the Fates decided to throw in my direction. And if I die, well, that's a bonus.

(End of Chapter 3)

GuardianXAngel: Thank you for the support and the ideas. I'll be sure incorporate some of them throughout the story!

A.N: As I mentioned earlier, Percy will have some extra powers, but they will not be over the top because I don't really like the stories that make Percy insanely powerful. Thanks for reading this chapter! Please review and give me new ideas as to where this story is going. I want this to be a very writer-reader interactive story. I also want to point out that I will probably be updating inconsistently, but I will try for at least twice a week if not more.

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