Chapter Twenty Four - Answers?

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Disclaimer: I don't own this amazing photo

Hoodie's P.O.V:

"I want you to love me like you love Masky."

My head began to pound, my heart beating faster. What was i supposed to say?! What was i supposed to do?! I'm not as mean as to go 'Sorry I don't like you so go away' But... He's asking for forgiveness and... I don't know if i should reject him or not. He just poured his heart out to me. But he knows i like Masky. But... WHY IS EVERYTHING SO COMPLICATED?! I began to shake, sniffing every so often.

"I'll let you think about it." Jack soothed, letting go of my hands and walking back into the forest. I trailed back into the mansion and straight up into my room, chucking myself on my bed and crying softly. WHY DID HE HAVE TO LOVE ME?! 

Masky's P.O.V:

Who could it be? I honestly don't think it's Jack... I growled and walked back into the house, my eyes landing on a red envelope next to the door. It had Hoodie's name on in black marker. I picked it up and walked up to our room. 

"Hoods, you in there?" I asked, knocking on the door lightly. I heard him sniff from inside.

"H-Hold on... I... Yeah." He stuttered nervously, opening the door so he could peak his head out, 

"This is for you... I found it outside." I said, handing him the paper. He nodded gratefully, 

"Thanks..." He whispered, sitting on his bed and opening the envelope, it was a letter.

Hoodie's P.O.V:

A letter addressed to me? It read:

Dear Hoodie,

                I am sure that you extremely confused as to what has happened over the past few weeks. I guess you could say I’m writing to give you answers. So, I guess you know I work for Zalgo. And I’m sure you know me from your dreams. Well, first off…


I have convinced Zalgo not to attack, although I would suggest for you to stay on your guard. Secondly, the whole prison thing? Well, I knocked yous’ out and I carried you to Zalgo, where he brain-washed you. However, when he left, I managed to transfer extra information to your brain, giving you the access codes and means to escape. When you’d reached your cell, I’m sure you slept until the next morning. Oh and a small note: I’d programmed your brain to think you’d been there for a year.

Anyway, your friend took longer to subdue… He’s quite the retaliator you know. I managed to change all the angry energy to a more… Upset, ashamed mix of emotions. His back story is that he killed his dying boyfriend to put him out of his misery. Just in case you wanted to know. So, the bit that Zalgo did was manipulating your minds to think that there was a massive war going on, and that everyone was left to their own devices.

I suppose you would like to know why I took the time to give you the extra information? You see, I quite like you Hoodie. I know that people rely on you. They need you. Maybe I still have that one bit of sanity after all, huh?

Yours sincerely,



P.S: You and your friend look cute together.

I blushed at the last line and smiled lightly. I guess it makes sense now... Kind of. I put the letter in the top drawer of my nightstand and masky cocked his head,

"Anything important?"

"No. Just a letter from a friend."

"Well... Okay. But if you ever need to talk to me about anything I'm here, yeah?" I nodded. "Oh right. Slender wanted us for a meeting."

~Near the end of the meeting because Author-Chan is to lazy to describe it all~

//So that clears everything up. Yes, boys?\\

We both nodded, however i was more focused on other things...

//Well, i guess that concludes it. Have a good day and rest up.\\

Masky tugged at my sleeve and pulled me out of the room, 

"You okay man? You seem kinda... distant."

I hesitated, unsure what to say,

"umm... I'm just... Thinking about things?" It sounded more like a question than a statement but it did the trick. 

"Well... Wanna watch a movie?"

I lightened up at the thought of finally spending some time with him, it'd been forever. 

"Fine... But i'm choosing it!" I replied playfuly.

Author's P.O.V: 

Hoodie flicked through the thousands of movies he owned from final destination to Mrs doubtfire (THE FEELZ!) while Masky snook downstairs and grabbed a box of cheesecake and some drinks and crisps. "Let's watch batman. I like batman." Hoodie chirped as Masky sat on the floor next to him. 

As the movie went on, the pair shared their thoughts and opinions, a casual joke every so often. Masky yawned, 

"You tired?" Hoodie asked. The masked man shook his head,

"No... I'm not-" He yawned again, "Tired." The hooded boy smiled under his mask at his friend who had pulled off his mask and began to rub his eyes.

"It's okay if you need to sleep..." Masky shook his head, "No. I want to spend some time with you..."

~About 15 minutes later brought to you by E.J trying to solve a rubix cube XD~

"I'm not sure what to think about that plot twist, eh?" Hoodie asked, slightly confused. When he got no reply he turned to his friend, who was slumped against his shoulder. However, because of the hooded man's movements, Masky's head fell into Hoodie's lap, making Hoodie blush madly.


Masky snored lightly and nuzzled into his friends inner thigh, letting out a small moan. Hoodie smiled at the no-longer masked man's actions and began to pet his hair, moving his bangs out of his eyes and staring at his oh-so-perfect features. And with that, the boy with the orange hood carefully maneuvered as not to wake up his sleeping friend, and picked him up, setting him on the bed and tucking him in before undressing and slipping into his own blanket. Falling asleep to the sound of the TV.

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