Chapter Thirty Nine - The first time is the worst.

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Hoodie's P.O.V: 

I'd been sitting outside the basement for... About a week now. Waiting. Just waiting for something to happen. It was all my fault. I killed him. I... I began to sob, running my hands through my already messy hair. 

//You should go eat something\\

I shook my head. I wasn't hungry. I just had to keep waiting. I had to. ...Waiting for something... Anything. Anything at all. Slenderman sighed at me and walked off. Finally, some peace. My bloodshot eyes traveled around the dimly lit waiting room. We converted the basement into a medical room and I'd been waiting outside ever since. I don't think I'll ever be able to live down what I did. I killed him. Me! ...Even after Toby confessed to setting it up... A plate of food was set down in front of me, I sighed and pushed it away. I'm going to keep waiting. No matter what. I'll wait for you Masky. 

I promise...

~Timeskip of well magic I guess~

I heard screaming. A lot of it. My eyes shot open and I jumped up from my slouched position in the uncomfortable chair. 'That sounded like... Masky?!' I grabbed the doorknob and began to pull on it, yanking the door open and sprinting down the stairs.

"I'M REAL! I MUST BE REAL! I MUST BE! CAN ANYONE HEAR MY VOICE?! WHO AM I?!" The familiar voice yelled. Masky was flailing around, clawing at the air around him and yelling frantically. I saw Jack try to console him but to no avail. 

"Jack!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?!" I screamed, trying to be heard over my boyfriend's wails. Jack said nothing and grabbed Masky's arm, taking out a needle and injecting it into his wrist. I ran over until I was beside my now calm partner. He was twitching and whining every so often. My eyes trailed over to Jack, who was writing down something in a notebook. "Jack?"

"This is his first vocal outburst since the incident... He'd never even made a sign to move beforehand. He's unsettled. Something has really caused him to react this way. But, judging by his medical records, this isn't the first time something like this has happened." I nodded, knowing all too well about that. I opened his mouth slightly and slipped in a pill, "Can I stay with him for a while?" I asked, my voice cracking. As much as I hated to see him like that, no matter how much guilt I felt every time I saw the bruises around his neck, I knew he needed me now. I sat down on the corner of his bed and grabbed his hand lightly, petting his hair whenever he whined. This seemed to soothe him and, once again, he began to sleep softly. Just like he had done for the last six days. "H-How is he?" I hesitated, unsure what answer I wanted, unsure what answer I'd get.

"He's fine now." E.J soothed, patting my shoulder and walking out. A tear landed on Masky's cheek. It took me a second to realize I was the one crying. More tears fell down my face as I stared at the figure below me. He was still dead. Technically. I pressed my lips to his cold ones. He's dead. I killed him.

//Child. Do not blame yourself. You know he is dead but there are more things you don't know\\

'Thanks Slendy, sooo comforting.' I thought. Slender tutted. Shit. Slender can read minds...

//Look, he is not technically dead. He is immortal. He is just currently in a state of regeneration. The first process is the worst. How long it shall take is still a mystery but... Child, come eat with us. Please.\\

I shook my head again. Every day he would ask me to come eat with them. Every day I would refuse. I even passed out a few days ago. I want to be alert if something goes wrong. If something did happen, and I wasn't there... I wouldn't forgive myself. Slenderman teleported out.

//Very well child... Just let me get you some food.\\

I sighed. I'd given up on it. The room was silent except for the constant sound of the heart-rate monitor. That and Masky's heavy breathing. His hair was greasy and all over his face, strands sticking to his forehead and covering his eyes. I brushed them away and kissed his sweat covered forehead. Staring at his figure curled up in the blankets made me hate myself even more. I wish I could lie with him, I cradled his head and stroked his cheek, whispering inchoherent sentences into his ear.

"This is my fault."

"You'll be alright."

"We'll get through this."

"Together. I promise."

"I'll stay with you."

"I'll wait."

"No matter how long It takes."

A/N: Sorry this isn't as good or long as I usually make them. I'm sick and I'm off school so... Yeah :/


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