Chapter 5: Tutoring

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Sorry for the very late upload I have been very busy these past few weeks.

That night with Ash

'What was that feeling? Why was I feeling this? I felt so happy, so warm, so complete. It happened when Serena and I hit our heads together. Do I like her? The world may never know.'

With Serena

'What was that feeling? Was it love? Impossible, right? Well, I do think Ash is pretty cute. DID I JUST SAY THAT?! Well, he is. He made me feel peace. Do I like him? The world may never know.'

Three weeks pass and the Ash gets closer to the gang, especially Serena

Near the end of math class

"Ok everyone, looking at some of you peoples grades, I think that some of you are struggling." Professor Rowan said. "With this, I have decided that the smart people will tutor the not-so-smart people in this class. Your partners are as followed."

"Leaf will tutor Red.

Paul will tutor Dawn.

Clement will tutor Gary.

Bianca will tutor Misty.

Serena will tutor Ash.

Conway, consider yourself lucky. Class dismissed."

'Yes, I get to spend more time with Ash now, alone.' Serena said while mentally screaming in joy.

"Why do I have to tutor Gary?" Clement said. "His little brain can only hold so much."

"HEY, my brain may be small, but my muscles are not," Gary retaliated. The group sweat dropped then started to laugh.

"Good luck to you all," Conway said while laughing and doing that shiny glasses thing.

"Go to hell Conway," Dawn said angrily. 

The gang goes for lunch after math class. There, they find a circular table and everyone sits together. They all start eating in silence until Ash breaks it.

"Wait, where is Conway, Clement, and Bianca?" Ash asked.

"They go to some nerd club during lunch," Paul replied.

"Oh, makes sense."

"Hey, Ash?" Serena called.

"Yea what's up," Ash replied.

"I was wondering what time I can come over today?" Serena asked. Dawn winks at her and she sees this as Serena started to blush.

"Right after school is fine," Ash replied.

"Ok then."

The rest of the school day passed and it is time to go home. Ash and Serena met in the courtyard right outside the school.

"Is it ok if I come to your house directly, I already have all my stuff."

"Sure it's fine with me," Ash replied. Serena and Ash started to walk to his houst

"So Ash, do you like someone?" Serena asked showing a lot of interest in it.

"Um, I don't know," Ash said while thinking about it. "How about you?"

"Um... y-yea."

"Really, who is it?" Ash asked also showing a lot of interest in it.

"I can't say,"

"Aw, why?"

"It's private,"


Once they got home, they put all of there stuff down and Ash went to go get Harper.

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