Chapter 4: Nothing's That Bad

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"Well, I'll catch you later," Camila," I tell Camila and face Shawn," Nice to meet you." He gives me a fake smile. I walk past them and head to my class.
Camila introducing me to Shawn was definitely a bad idea.
And wow, I'm actually going to class early..
"You don't like him, do you?" Camila already figured out how I was feeling about Colson.
"It's not that I don't like's just-" I sigh, as I brush my fingers through my hair.
"He's not Austin, ok?" Camila reads my mind," I know for a fact, he isn't."
"Ok, tell me why he got into that fight?" I try to stump her.
"He got into that fight because the junior said something that was clearly not a compliment to this girl. And Colson felt the need to teach him a lesson.." Camila  explains.
"..I admire the whole "teach the guy a lesson" thing. But there's no need to get into a fight about it?" I nonchalantly counteract.
She smirks," Says the guy that got into one for basically the same reason."
And you got me...
"So..what do you think about him now..?" Camila asks, still smirking.
"We'll things go."
I guess Camila already gone to our lunch spot..cause she's not here. And she usually is.
I head over to our spot to see Colson, he looks up and smiles," Hey."
Oh, this again...
"Hey, Cam," I greet her with my back turned, knowing she's behind me trying to scare me for the millionth time," this trick has gotten old."
She sighs," I know. But for some reason, I still think you'll be fooled." She walks in front of me and sits with Colson. And I join them.
"So Colson, Camila tells me you joined her band at Kenton?" I ask him, grabbing his attention.
'Yeah. I recently joined. It's been fun," Colson develops a smile and looks at Camila," And Camila's so talented."
She shoots him a smile,"Thanks. You too." From the corner of my eye, I see her looking at me with a blank expression.
"So..Colson, any plans after high school?" I change the subject.
"I'm not sure," Colson replies to Shawn," I might apply for business school."
"Doubt you'd get in," I can hear Shawn murmurs under his breath. "I'll see you later, Camila," he says without eye contact and leaves the table.
"Shawn," I stand up, as he already starts walking towards the courtyard doors.
I sigh as I sit back down and look at Colson. He catches my eye and look back and sighs as he looks back at the ground.
"Hey," I greet Colson as I sit down next to him, he faces me," I'm sorry about Shawn. He just needs time to get to know you and people and stuff," I nervously chuckle.
"It's fine," he shrugs." you excited for band rehearsal, Camilita?" He asks me, teasing with Shawn's nickname.
"You should already know the answer, Kells," I tease back, as he develops a smile.
I can already see Danielle doing her heart hands...
I return my focus back on Colson and return a smile.
Business school? For a guy who started a fight..-well, I can't really use that excuse anymore. But still, something still feels off with this one.
Camilita: danielle might or might not have a surprise for u;)
Me: is the surprise Colson leaving Kenton?
Read 7:00pm
I'll take that as a no.
"I'm just curious," Camila starts a conversation as we walk side by side down the hallway to the waiting area," why do you care so much about Shawn not approving you..?"
"Wait..are you-" I get cut off by Camila.
She gives me a nervous smile,"If that's ok.."
I give her a little smile and nod as I hold the door for her.
"So, never answered my question from earlier," I remind him, as he starts driving out of the parking lot.
"Hmm?" He dryly replies.
I hope Danielle has some kind of surprise for Shawn...
This better be good.
"Hey, Danielle," I greet Danielle, as she looks up and greets me.
"So..I know for a fact that you've wanted to do a duet for this concert...they're waiting in the vocals room," she tells me, as I develop a smile and swiftly walk to the vocals room.
I see a short, brunette with glasses through the door window and open the door.
"Hey, I'm Shawn. Danielle said that'd be singing a duet with you," I introduce myself.
She nods with a smile," I'm Alessia. Nice to meet you."
"You too," I say back. "So..did she specify which song-"
"Isn't this your band though?" She giggles.
"Hm, true," I shrug," what song do you wanna sing-we're singing this together so.."
"Like To Be You..?" Alessa suggests.
"By Shawn Mendes," I develop a smirk because of the same similarity.
"And Julia Michaels," she finishes as we exchange smiles.
"Let's do it," I put my hand up for a high-five, she slaps it.
"We're here," I declare, as I put the car in park, getting ready to get out to open the door for Camila, right as she grabs my arm.
"Not until you answer my question, Kells," she reminds me, as I turn to face her. Our eyes lock.
"Because," I answer, as I let go from her grasp and open her door.
She gets out from the passenger seat and comes beside me," You never finished.."
I turn to face her and cup her face, staring into her beautiful eyes," Because.."
She looks into mine. After a few seconds, she snaps out of her trance," It's getting late..."
"Uh, yeah, sorry," I let go of her face," see you later."
"Good night," she tells me, as she walks up her driveway.
Because? Ugh.
What just happened?!
Shawnito: tell danielle thx
Me: why? What happened?
Shawnito: i thought u knew...another duet
Me: with who?
Shawnito: a girl named Alessia
Me: im assuming it went well
Shawnito: yeah she's pretty cool
Me: nice
Shawnito: if it's anything colson related..just keep it to urself
Me: my bday's coming up..
Read 9:55pm
And you said you wouldn't forget.

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