Chapter Three: Safety

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(Ambers p.o.v)

I felt Remingtons hand stroke my head softly "well then" Emerson laughed a bit as he looked over at him. Rem took be back to the couch and went to clean the blood off "can I please have a lick" Emerson looked over at my shoulder licking his lips a bit. I blushed and sighed deeply "please don't bite it hurts so much" "I promise I won't besides that guy had sharper jagged teeth from smoking unlike mine I just vape". I chuckled a bit as he licked off some of the half dried blood then looked like he had an organism. Remington rolled his eyes "drinking blood is like having an organism to be honest with you, your blood from what I can smell would be like drinking from the queen of vampires. So pure but I've gotten pasted that for you, I wouldn't want to see you in any pain even if you allowed it". I nodded my head as he then cleaned off the bite and put down bandages. He wrapped his arms around me tightly "I will not let anything bad happen to you, your my angel" he kissed my forehead again. I blushed as he told me everything and I dug my face into his chest.

We laid on my couch for a bit til Emerson soon had left then it was just remington and myself. I was laying on top of him falling asleep "you know this might sound weird but any vampire does this when they find a certain human. I've watched over you ever since the day we meant I originally was going to.. you know cause I thought you were a drunk whore but reality you were the sweetest person I ever talked to. I felt horrible for feeling that way which is why I told myself I'd never hurt such a delicate, sweet, harmless rose. Even if your irresistible to us from how you smell I don't even get those urges around you anymore". I smiled as I laid on top of him, even though I should be the most scared in my entire life I felt safe in his arms. After a few more minutes I felt myself doze off to sleep in his arms on my couch.

Soon though I woke up to something shining bright into my eyes "sunlight" I mumbled. I sat up and felt arms around my waist "don't go you are so warm" Remington groaned "wait I thought vampires couldn't...". He chuckled a bit "it's half fiction half reality, if I'm outside for to long I can start to burn but if I'm barely in it then I'm not affected. If I burned every time I stepped one foot in sunlight then we would be noticed more. Besides it's only sunset not rise so not as deadly to me". I nodded my head as I laid down on him once more "so when did you turn" "well my creator which was my older brother Sebastian, turned Emerson and I when we got into a fight really bad. I was bleeding out really bad and so was Emerson. We had no idea sebastian was a vampire til he told us to drink his blood. Vampires become vampires by drinking from another vampires blood it's almost like venom but doesn't really kill you. That night was over 100 years ago in 1903".

As he spoke I listened very carefully to everything then he looked down at me "your not freaked out" "not really, if you wanted to then you would've already" "fair enough". We both smiled at each other but soon I felt my stomach grumble "I got to eat" "I'm kinda hungry too but we have completely different palettes". I chuckled a bit as I got up to get something from my kitchen "I'll be back don't get into trouble while I'm gone, I won't be no longer then 20 minutes" he wrapped an arm around me then placed a kiss on my cheek. I smiled big as I went to get something "hey rem can yo-" I turned around to see no one in my apartment anymore. I sighed a bit as I climbed the counters to get stuff to make pancakes.

   As I was making the first one I heard someone sigh from behind me. I quickly snapped around to see Remington standing there with droplets of blood leaving his mouth. I chuckled as I got on my tip toes then wiped it off with my finger "let me see that". He grabbed my hand that I used to wipe it off and licked the rest off my finger "was that person really that good" "yes it was amazing". He let go of me "what you making for yourself" "pancakes" he nodded his head as I went to go flip it. After my 'breakfast' Remington let me go change for my show that night. 

  As I got my shoes on Remington looked over at me "look at you my red queen"

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  As I got my shoes on Remington looked over at me "look at you my red queen". I smiled back at him  then grabbed up for purse and guitar "come on you take so long" "hold on let me fix my hair and smudged eyeliner". I gave him a confused look at he went into my bathroom to look in the mirror "how can you see" "newer mirrors have a different backing so am able to see myself" (it's true they would see themselves, can you tell I like vampires at all 😂 ) I nodded my head. He chuckled "you mortals are so funny sometimes" "hey you don't tell us shit just what Hollywood puts into movies". He smiled "don't get upset darling I'm only joking" he picked me up and placed me on the counter in my bathroom. His grin made me smile as he went to go kiss me, as his lips touched mine I kissed him back. He felt cold to the touch yet he still felt like a warm blooded person in that moment to me. His arms wrapped around my waist as I soon let go of him from the kiss to break out laughing. Black lipstick had smeared all over his lips "damn you makeup" he chuckled.

We soon made our way to the bar like always but he stopped me before we got to the door "I'm going to go for a few minutes I'll be watching you though I promise, good luck" he kissed my forehead. I walked inside and some people that saw me were cheering already as another band was still playing. I blushed then quickly made my way into the back where I fixed my guitar then did a few practice songs. Soon before I knew it my concert was over and I went out back to have a smoke. I started to remember yesterday as I sat on the side like normal "it's fine I'm safe" I whispered to myself trying not to freak out. I soon saw Remington turn the corner to look at me with his hands behind his back "I loved your concert tonight, your voice is so sweet" his smile was so sweet. I thanked him and took a deep puff of my cigarette "hey you ok" "just thinking of yesterday" "Amber it's ok, your safe I promise, I wish I would've helped sooner I was in the middle of snacking when I sensed you in trouble". I sighed and watched the smoke clear from my mouth "I um brought you some of these" he moved his arms forward to see a bouquet of black and red roses. I blushed a lot as I took it from his hands "Rem you shouldn't have" he wrapped an arm around me "I thought you deserved it". We sat there for a few minutes then he stood up "let's go, my other brother wants to meet you just don't be surprised if he gets flirty". I smiled and followed him down the streets and soon got to a house. It looked pretty normal as we walked inside and I put down the roses on the counter.

I soon felt arms wrap around my waist "remington who have you brought home" a mans voice spoke as he growled it into my ears. I felt my heart beating faster as his grip got a bit tighter "Sebastian Get off of her, it's my friend I spoke about, Amber" I stood still not wanting to move. His hands let go of me "you smell really good, Remington if she's a friend why is she still breathing". I pushed away from him and quickly ran into Remingtons arms "aw I didn't mean to scare you amber" sebastian grinned. I wrapped my arms tightly around Rem "it's fine" I said quietly "Sebastian she was attacked last night by him, Emerson had him taken care of" "I didn't know, it's fun to play with your food though". I shivered just thinking about what he had said. I soon saw Emerson come downstairs "hey amber fancy seeing you here, how did the concert go" "it went very well thank you, how have you been" "excited as hell for the tour, it's going to be great". I felt my heart sink a bit "tour?" "Oh did Remington not tell you we are going on tour for a few months". I looked up at Rem who had a guilt face "yeah we go on tour in a week". I was heartbroken thinking about not being able to see in for a few months. We hanged out ( pun intended:) ) with Emerson and Sebastian for a bit til remington walked me home. We got to my apartment then I sighed "why didn't you tell me you were leaving" "it's only for 4 months and besides I can fly you to our new location to see you again, I promise, I'll watch over you even if I'm a 1,000 miles away"

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