Chapter Four: Goodbyes

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(Ambers p.o.v)

Today was the day, the day remington was leaving to go on tour with his brothers for there band. I had been dreading the day to come for the past week knowing I wouldn't see him for quite a while. Even if we both kept in touch over Snapchat it still wasn't the same as seeing him. The days leading up to there goodbye was the best days I ever had in a while. Sebastian didn't seem to bad of a guy as we hung out at the bar drinking gin along with Emerson always drawing something. Hearing his thoughts on the universe really made my head hurt at some points. I also was starting to see a big change in my pay check for preforming, it grew more and more as each night went by.

Snow had just fallen the night before cause I wasn't able to stand outside with Rem for to long without being extremely cold. It looked so pretty outside as it laid onto cars, buildings and plants. I had woken up earlier around 12 pm since there flight was at 3 in the afternoon to go over to the UK. I got dressed then did my makeup as normal cause I knew I'd shed a few tears seeing Remington go for such a while.

 It had been a bit weird between Remington and I but I never knew why really

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It had been a bit weird between Remington and I but I never knew why really. I felt safe around him all the time, even though him and I weren't together. As far as I knew. We acted like we were. The kiss in my bathroom to the roses almost every night after my concert he acted like a boyfriend all to much. I wanted to say something but I had a feeling he'd say no to it and just say I was a good friend who he wanted to cause no harm to.

My thoughts were soon forgotten when my phone had went off with a text from Remington "hey don't forget to pick us up" "I won't". My car which I never really drove started up just fine as it always had been then I drove to there house to pick them up. I was dropping them off so they wouldn't have to park a car for 4 months. As I pulled up to the house they were already outside waving at me all excited for the tour. I helped them put everything in the back of the car but it was hard from all the ice on the ground. It had been snowing all week which was nice but not to walk in "alright boys to the airport" they all cheered. Remington sat in the front with my while the other two sat in the back "how was your guys night" "boring as hell" "alright then". They chuckled then Remington started to mess with my radio "hey get your hands off of my favorite station". It was like a family car ride the whole way there, even if I was a bit depressed that they were leaving I painted a smile on my face so they wouldn't worry.

I pulled into a parking spot then walked them into the airport "well we only got an hour til our flight goes, we will leave you two alone" Sebastian smiled as he walked over to a bench. A sighed came out of my mouth as I looked up into Remingtons eyes "aw it's ok amber I promise to call you everyday and snap you 24/7 believe me I don't really want to leave". His arms wrapped around my waist then I wrapped mine around his neck on my tip toes. I heard him chuckle then picked me up off the ground "hopefully these months go by fast" "they will I promise". I kissed his cheek then he put me down "bye guys see you in a few months" I hugged them all then watched them leave for the security check.

   *month later*

  A whole month pasted and Remington kept his promise of texting/ calling me everyday when I woke up in the 'morning'. But this morning was different, Remington hadn't messaged me. It was going to be Valentine's Day in about three days and I kinda planned on asking Remington if he wanted to be with me. But now I don't think I'll be able to cause he didn't text me all day. I was heading downstairs to get my mail when I got a Snapchat "hey amber you check the mail yet?" "Just about to" "ok". I grabbed the mail out and was walking upstairs when I stopped to see an envelope with my name on it with big cursive lettering. I FaceTimed Remington then saw his puppy dog eyes "Remington what did you send me" "open it" "Rem if this is a prank I'm kicking your ass". He laughed as I opened it up to reveal plane tickets to go see him in London for Valentine's day "surprise! I really miss you amber and wanted to see you again..also I miss your beautiful scent" I blushed to see it was scheduled for tomorrow at 2 pm. I smiled big and thanked him a lot "I can't wait to see you Rem but now I better sleep so I get up in time". We said bye soon after and I quickly went to bed so I'd be up early enough.

   My alarm went off and I quickly through clothes, shoes, makeup and hair stuff into my suitcase in a matter of 10 minutes then made myself look decent. I downloaded 6 albums of music so I'd be about to do something during my 8 hour flight. As I got to the airport I sent a text to remington "getting on the plane soon can't wait to see you soon" "me neither I'll be waiting for you at the airport". I smiled and ran to the security check trying to take not very long in the line. Soon before I knew it I was on the plane sitting next to a middle aged woman who gave me weird glares the entire ride there. I took many selfies and photos of the night sky then soon had fallen asleep.

I soon awoke when the plane landed "welcome to London everyone please make your way off the plane to the left". I about jumped out of me seat then ran to the front doors looking for Remington. I called him quick "where are you Rem" "by exit B4" then I realized I was on the wrong floor. I went up to B4 then was getting a bit lost "Remington I don't see you" I texted him a bit ticked off. Til I saw him standing there with skinny jeans, band shirt, smeared makeup and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I ran up to him and as he saw me his arms reached out to then pick me up off the ground. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we hugged very tightly "I missed you Amber.."

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