Chapter Seven: Over Thinking

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What was that?!

The truth was that you didn't know. You didn't know what had come over you or what emotion you were feeling or why you suddenly had the overwhelming urge to kiss him just then.

Maybe it was the heat of the moment. Maybe it was the fact that he was a celebrity. Maybe you were desperate, maybe you were tired, maybe he just looked hot, maybe a lot of things.
That still didn't change the fact that you were seriously confused.

You paced your room, panic and insecurities racing through your head. You took a few deep breaths and sat down on your bed.

You decided to call Sam.
"They'll know what to do," you mumbled under your breath.
You explained everything that had happened.
Sam squealed.
You pulled the phone away from your face and groaned.
"Sam! Not helping!"
"Sorry," Sam said after recovering from a fit of giggles. You sighed and covered your face with your hand.
"What am I gonna do?" you asked.
"What else can you do?"
"I can avoid him. I can ignore his calls, and run away when I see him, and make excuses, and-"
"-Y/n!" Sam interrupted. "You know you can't do any of that." Sam sighed. "Look. You might not actually have feelings for him, but you're still his friend. Acquaintance. Whatever- the point is, phasing him out is gonna break his heart. Way more than it's gonna break yours."
"He can afford it," you pointed out.
"Maybe, but you can't. You can't afford to see him moved on - completely oblivious to this entire situation - while you're still stuck on your almost kiss after your not date."

That was what hurt the most.

You remained silent for a few seconds.
"You know I'm right, Y/n," Sam said solemnly.
"I know."
"So what're you gonna do about it?"
"I'm gonna, uh, I'm gonna keep hanging out with him as a friend until I'm positive I feel otherwise," you answered.
You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. Copper padded over to you and brushed up against your leg. You smiled softly and looked down at her.
"I'm gonna go. Copper and I are hungry."
"Alright, bye," Sam sighed. "Don't forget what I said, okay?"
"I won't. Bye." You hung up and stood from your bed to feed your cat.

Maybe this was the worst morning ever.
Maybe it was the best.
Maybe you had to stop thinking about Alex.

Maybe he was thinking the same thing.

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