Chapter 8: I'm Human Too

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hey! yikes I haven't posted to this story in a while.. oof.. anyway! this chapter is going to be a little different; it's focused more on alex instead of  y/n. soo yeah! I hope you enjoy this really weird chapter! it took 28 years to write.


Alex had decided not to think about the morning the both of you had spent together. He loved it, yes, but he was positive that making a move would ruin both reputations. Therefore, he decided to ignore his feelings.

Actually, no. That was a lie. It was killing him.

He couldn't stop thinking about you and the morning you'd shared.

He tried not to think about it too much, but his mind kept finding its way back to you.

“This is insane,” Alex mumbled under his breath. “It's been a day. How am I still on this?”

He sighed and decided to call you. It went to voicemail.

“Hey, Y/n. It's Alex.. Listen, how about you meet me outside À La Mode in, like, half an hour? I wanna talk to you about  something. See you there.”

Alex hung up and bit his lip harshly. Was that a bad idea? Leaving an invitation thirty minutes before it expires on someone's voicemail probably wasn't the best idea.

He sighed and started making his way to À La Mode.


Alex was standing outside À La Mode, waiting for you, just like he had been on your “not a date.”

He waited.

Time flew by.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

He sighed, accepting his fate. He started to walk off before..


Like a beacon of hope.

Alex turned to see you rushing toward him.

“Ohmygod,” you started, “I'm so, so sorry. I had to feed my cat, and my car wouldn't start-”

“Y/n,” Alex interrupted, “it's okay.” He couldn't help but to chuckle a little.

You caught your breath and sighed out.
“Anyway. What did you wanna talk about?”

Alex felt his heart race.
“Well, uh- why don't we go get some ice cream?”


“So, seriously,” you asked between bites of an ice cream cone, “what did you wanna talk about?”

Alex looked down at the table.
“Us,” he said bashfully.

“What about us?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I do.” You seemed to slump down in your seat. “Listen, maybe we should just forget about it.”

Time seemed to freeze for Alex.

He didn't want to.

“Yeah,” he agreed quietly. “Forget about it.”

If I Could Tell Him (Alex Boniello x reader)Where stories live. Discover now