baby's home

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Jake had gone home just to see his family, Hes so sweet! I had to pick him up from the airport to bring him home. That day is 5 days from now, its so exhausting to not feel, see, and just have jake home! We call everyday or maybe a few times and tell how our day is going.
I mope around all day bc i miss him soo fucking much! He has been gone for 3 weeks and "just 5 more days y/n just pull it to together" i say to myself as i walk down stairs to get food, i scan the fridge when i hear colby come down stairs and say "waass upp
y/n?" "Nothin much" as we had our little conversation or so you call it, i walk back up stair as i took a few steps i hear my phone ring from up in Jake and i's room i am asuming its jake so i race up the stairs almost stubbing my toe on the gaurd rail, thankfully i missed it.

"hello" i say as i answer the phone revealing jakes tired face but still cute, i daze in awe when he says "hey...y/n" Jake says sounding a bit concerning i reply with a "ya babe, hows it going? Hows your parents?" "Their fine, everything is fine, im fine, this is fine" which causes me to chuckle a little bit "i miss you babe so much" i say sadly "i know babe, just a few more days" i groan sounding annoyed
Picking Jake up from the airport

"BABE!! AWWWW I MISSED YOU!: I say as i jumped up into his arms. He cought me just in time "ready to go home baby?" He asks, as we go to my car, Jake put his stuff in the back and hopped in the front seat "im happy your home!!" I say excitedly, i grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers, i miss him so much i cant wait to get jome with him!
Home/ traphouse
We got home and Jake was plowed by the roomates. As they talked and he settled down i took his bags to our room and and started to unpack his bag, i heard some foodsteps behind me and felt hands round my waist and a head on my sholder.....Jake...shocker.

"Why are you unpacking my bags baby?" "Well, bc you had a long flight so i thought you wanted to talk to the roomates or somthin, plus because i love you" i chuckle at my comment. "Well then i want to help!" He says grabbing some shirts. I had a basket on the bed and threw his dirty clothes in there and he hung up his clean clothes he washed at his parents house.
After packing/11 pm

"Bbaaabbyyy!!!" Jake yells from the gaming room. "Whhaatttyyy" i yell back as i walk to him. "Come snuggle" as i sit next to him i look ar him with a smile "why you looking at me like that" he says with his cute little laugh "because im happy your home, im happy because your sweet, kind, weird DEFINETLY weird, kidn hearted, a bit over protective, handsome but cute, and you would do anything for me and its hard not to look at yoy and think your ALLLLLLL minee!" I say really quikly. He kisses me and says "i love you baby so much you have no idea!" He grabs my hand and interwined our fingers and i fell asleep just like that, happy as can I be knowing that the jake webber is mine!


Jake webber/SMUTS/Imagines/requetsWhere stories live. Discover now