A Mishap

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This was a request! Hope you like it kenzie!!

I took one last look in the mirror to check if everything was perfect for this party. I wanted to impress my boyfriend Jake Webber.

"Ready babe?" I hear from the doorway and there is Jake standing of course, whoelse did you think whould be there?
"Ya" i say walking away. Just as a update on what im wearing, I have on a tight black dress to match my purple highlights and with some rings just to have some bling.

At the party

So right now, I have had a few drinks and so has Jake and its obvious "Mackenzie!" I hear a familar voice from behind me, ooh its Colby, "oh heyyy c-c-olby" I started to slur my words a bit,

"hey kenzie, I wanna tell ya somethin, its weird BUT! I think your really pretty tonight." "Thanks Colby, your not that bad yourself" for the record I know for damn sure I wasnt flirting with Colby, I just tried to end that conversation because after I said that I tried walking away, but colby pulled me back and tried talkin to me more, telling me how beutiful I am, and Jake is really lucky to have a girl like me. He started touching me, like sholder, my cheeks, and stared to play with my hands.

I could feel these burning eyes in the back of me, an of course I looked an I seen Jake staring colby down with blood and fire in his eyes, at this time im getting scared on what Jake will do to colby if I dont back away from him and go to jake.

"Sorry colbs, I got to go find jake,  ill see you soon" "ok bye I guess it was nice talking to you Mackenzie!" I walked away rolling my eyes and walking towards jake. You remember when I said I wanted to impress Jake, ya well I only wanted to impress HIM not other guys with that. I felt bad and I tried to "show off" that Jake was mine, like holding his hand in front of people, kissing him from time to time and so on and so fourth. Someone tapped my sholder and again, it was Colby

"hey Kenzie can I talk to you"
"ya of course" I say looking at Jake with a worried look, hopefully he got the message. Colby pulled me aside from everyone but still in the party room and he didnt even say anything, he justed kissed me, of course I didnt kiss back but all I tasted was alcohol, I pulled away and smacked him,

"the fuck was that for kenzie?" "Are you kidding m-" I couldnt even finish my sentence because Jake came up and said "what happened" "Colby kissed me" "YOU WHAT!?" Oh no, I could feel the tension that jake was giving off, hard and awake  "COLBY WHAT THE HELL?? WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Thank god he didnt say loud enough that people heard him
"ok babe calm down!" I tried to calm him down but he fight just got more heated between Jake and Colby.

It all ended with a punch from Jake hitting Colby in the jaw, they  didnt say anything Jake just walked out and I had to follow him because well, hes my boyfriend, he lives with me, and hes my ride home so.

The car ride was so silent,  you could hear a sneeze a mile away."Dont dress like that anymore" "like what?"
"Like that, tight dress hugging all your curves an looking sexy and shit" I could tell he was loosing up a bit but still a little angry.

At my apartment

I took of my shoes at the door, same with Jake an my roomates were all on a trip an I had to stay because I had to work. We walked upstairs I went straight for my closest, grabbed some PJs and walked to my bathroom, turning on the hot water and striping, i4 turned on my music and hopped in for 20 mins. When I got done, I seen Jake was not in my room, so I went downstairs and seen him in the kitchen eating, all that fighting must of made hin hungry.

I ran my fingers up his back and went down to his hips and wrapped my arms around him layed my head on his back.
"Are you ok" I ask, no response "babe" still nothing "baby" he just sat there plain out ignoring me, that makes me feel great, then I got a idea "baby are you jealous?" Still nothing but he turned red "ok then" thats when I went right for him and takled him, "babe stooop" he pleads "dont be jelly" "im not" he says childish. I kiss him, which turns into a heated kiss, then a kiss with passion.

He turned to stand up back on his feet cause we were on the floor, he picked me up an brought me upstairs and put me on the bed while he went to lock the door and took off his shirt on the way there, he came back and we started to kiss and he took off my shirt and and attached himself to my neck ans stated making love bites. And of course there gonna show even when I where a crewneck shirt, thanks Jake. After our clothes were off jake went to his bedside and took out a wrapper and unwrapped it, he sliped the condom on and crawled over me and looked me dead in the eyes, he had the pretties brown eyes.

I gave him a nod and he slid into me and with that Jake started to pump slowly to get me used to the feeling again, "faster" I say an he went faster and I ran my fingers down his back, scratchin a bit, grabbing his hair a bit and I heared his moan, that turned me on so much more. After a few more minutes he finally spoke "baby, ima bout too finish" he said with a moan "I know baby me to, just hold on for a little longer" a minute later I felt a knot in my stomach and I felt him twitch so I released, so did he, he feel beside me and he lost his breath so after a few seconds of getting it back,  he can finally say "baby, you need to make me jealous more" I just laughed it off and he proceeded into the shower and after that we stayed up and just binged watched movies and talked crap bout other people, ya know the usual with boyfriends.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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