TMNT OC: Liz Richards

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Name: Elizabeth "Liz" Richards
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Asexual Biromantic
Species: Human
Personality/Backstory: Liz is a very sweet and caring girl who has a dark past. From the age of 10 to when the turtles find her she was forced to work for the Foot becoming their ultimate weapon. No one would suspect a 5"2 teenage girl to kick your ass. Once she is rescued she is shy and emotional, not knowing where her life is going. Once she is fully healed she cares for everyone and is just a cinnamon roll. She loves anything to do with magic and fantasy to help her escape thinking about her past. While Liz certainly is positive when she's in a bad mood it is hard to get her out of it. She turns into a negative nancy. She's scarred by her past (literally and figuratively) and hates any confirmation or negative energy that could lead to drama or a fight. So in short, don't yell at her she's a baby.
Likes: Liz loves anything to do with Disney. Disney was one of the only things that brought her comfort during her time in the Foot. She also loves dogs. She used to jump down and greet/feed stray dogs when she was on missions and had a chance to get away. After spending many years on the Foot and being forced to wear black she is a girlie girl. She loves dressing up in cute outfits and twirling in dresses. Her favorite foods are pasta and popcorn but she struggles to eat at times due to her past.
Dislikes: Liz hates the dark with a passion. Even sleeping with the foot she needed some kind of light. Whether that be her phone or a candle. She fears what could be in the dark waiting to grab her. And don't get the poor baby started on loud sudden noises. Random bowl falls? She will cry. Random balloon pop? She will scream. Liz hates when people aren't honest about their feelings. She's so emotional everything comes out whether you want it to or not. She wants to be able to help people she cares about and if you're not honest she can't do that.
Looks: Liz is smol. In every single variation, she is smol. She's a teeny tiny. She has long dark auburn hair that she never takes care of properly so it's always a little frizzy. Her body and face have light freckles on her that appear more when she is embarrassed and turning red. She has the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes and occasionally is wearing her glasses. Liz is also very skinny. She has trouble eating meals and it affects her body.
Crush: Raphael

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