Supergirl OC: Delilah Reeds

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Name: Delilah Reeds
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Species: Human
Personality/Backstory: Delilah has been on her own since she was 18. Her mother passed during that time and her father was too busy in his scientific research to pay any attention to his only child. Because of this Delilah became depressed and anxiety-ridden. One day when she was 20 she went to the National City bridge to end it when a certain caped super heroine approached her, talking her out of it. Ever since that night, she has been obsessed with the Girl of Steel. Delilah has loved and had a passion for photography and pursued an education in it at National City University. After she earned her diploma she applied everywhere with her Supergirl photos. She was denied by everyone. Until she applied to CatCo and was assigned Kara Danvers' personal photographer for her stories (Thanks James Olsen). Later on, in her life, her anxiety became too much for her to handle on her own. She applied for a service dog. At the shelter is where she met her beloved Krypto (get it haha). He was named that thanks to Supergirl saving this pup from a burning building. Her loyal black lab service dog would do anything to protect her.
Personality: Delilah's an outgoing person who's not afraid to speak her mind, even if she stutters through the whole thought. When Delilah is with people she is comfortable with she is a kind soul who just wants to help those in need and show the world her photos. She wants to be like her idol Supergirl and help people as much as she can. Whether that's capturing the truth of a story through her photos or helping someone cross the street she's there. She tries to not let her anxiety get in the way but when she needs help she or Krypto will let you know.
Likes: Did I mention she likes Supergirl? Ever since that night on the bridge that has been her number one interest. Any reports of the girl of steel in action she's there with her camera. And don't even get me started on the crush she has on her. She'll never admit it but she is head over heels for someone she doesn't even know. Do not bring cake around this woman unless you want it to be devoured. Her guilty pleasure is eating an entire cake in one sitting. And no she will not share. She also loves potstickers. Better than french fries for a side. As was mentioned she also loves photography and has a passion for the art. 
Dislikes: After she meets everyone do not even get her started on Mon-El. That man is the scum of the earth to her. The way he treated the queen that is Kara Zor-el? Unacceptable (This may also be me projecting but shhhhhh). She is terrified of the dark. She will always need a nightlight when she sleeps or she will cry the night away. She keeps an emergency flashlight in her purse at all times. Even thought there are times when she has to, she hates being alone. Being alone for most of your life really takes a toll on you so she wants a support human at all times. Having Krypto makes it more manageable but she can't exactly have a conversation with the pup.
Crush: You guessed it! Kara Danvers

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