Marvel OC: Melissa Rose Stark

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Alias/Code Name- Iron Daughter
Age- 22
Gender- Female
Human/Inhuman- Human
Sexuality- Bisexual
Alignment- Shield, Avengers

Mother- Unknown
Father- Tony Stark
Siblings- Morgan Stark (Half sister)

Likes- Sweets, Dogs, Technology, SPACE, Magic/Powers and studying them, her family
Dislikes- The dark, storms, plane rides, spiders, Alcohol, peaches, HEIGHTS

Strengths And Weaknesses
Strengths- Advanced Intelligence, Advanced Technology, Well Trained In Combat
Weaknesses- Her Family, Mentioning her mother, Negative Comments Directed At Herself

Appearance Information
What Does Your Character Wear ?- Comfy but cute clothes, almost always in jeans
Do They Wear Anything Unique To Them ?- Well she has a tattoo of her father's arc reactor on her right inner wrist

Alliances- Avengers, Shield
Friends- Most of Avengers

Background Information/Short Bio:
Shortly after the events of Iron Man (2008) A little girl was picked up from an orphanage by Shield showing extreme intelligence that matched Stark's own. After testing they soon figured out she was indeed Tony Stark's Daughter. Knowing her could not take a kid, Stark asked her to be put in hiding. It wasn't until the 2012 Fight for New York where she came out of hiding and was revealed.

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