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Juanita knew it was only a matter of time before she would come across Angel in the camp, especially if Adelita gave her one of the jobs that the MC was involved in. That was the reason she was sitting across from the woman now. She figured confronting the rebel leader with her lies was still easier than facing her brother.

"I haven't been honest about my family," she confessed. Her hands laid calmly in her lap. She wasn't nervous, she believed this was the best decision and would accept the consequences. "They're not dead. Only my mom is."

Adelita raised her eyebrows. She didn't say a word.

"I found out that my father had been working for the Galindo cartel in the past. I was shocked – he knew the destruction that man had caused and the fact that he was able to work for him made me despise him. I couldn't live in that house any longer, his secret was crushing me and I wished I had never found out about the truth. We got into a few arguments and when he got violent I left, I didn't want my brothers to know about the cartel. Our mom had just died, my youngest brother had been sent to prison... Their lives were difficult enough. That was eight years ago, I ran and never talked to my brothers again." She took a deep breath, her story had just poured out. It had been eight years since she had said anything; she held Adelita's glance as she prepared herself to drop the last bombshell. "Angel is my brother."

The woman's eyes widened. "The Mayan?"

She nodded. "I still want to serve the cause, but I don't wanna go anywhere near to him. I like the way things are now. I don't want him to know that I'm here, or the secret our father is hiding – especially not now that we're at war with the cartel ourselves. It would make things unnecessary complicated. My life is fine, I have no need for a family reunion," she stressed.

Adelita studied her face. "Am I making a mistake for trusting him and the MC?"

She shook her head. "No. Angel's heart is in the right place. He's loyal to his beliefs. As am I, Adelita. Angel's arrival complicates things, but I still want to bring Galindo to his knees. All I ask for, is that I am not given any tasks that have anything to do with my brother. Please Adelita. There will be a day when I tell him why I left, but not now, not now he's in this shit up to his eyeballs. More family drama is the last thing he needs."

Adelita nodded. "Fine. I appreciate your frankness. You have my permission to stay away from Angel and the other Mayans." She turned to the side and took a pile of pamphlets from the table. "Distribute these across the border tonight."

Juanita took the pile and nodded her head in gratefulness as she turned around and left the tent.

. . .

"Where are you going?" Camila asked as Juanita grabbed some things and put them in her bag.

"Santo Pedro. Got some pamphlets to spread."

"You want me to come with you?"

She shook her head. "Nah, already asked some of the others."

Since Camila had caught her kiss with Coco a few days ago, there was a new obsessive look in her eyes that was giving Juanita the jitters. She was trying not to be alone with her too much, because of the trauma most of the rebels had gone through, there were many people suffering from some kind of mental illness and it had never bothered her before. But Camila's glances became intenser with the day; she wasn't sure what the girl would do and if it really came to a fight, she wasn't afraid that she would lose, but the tension was still nerve-racking. She hated the feeling of having to look over her shoulder all the time. Who knows what a jealous girl suffering from PTSD was capable of. There was no way to guess her behavior.

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