School days

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Hayden's POV: I got dresses into some sweats and a sweatshirt and texted Annie. Then I texted Rush and Caden.

HAYDEN😎😎: U guys ready for schooo?

RUSH🔥🔥: No way in hell 🙄



Annie's POV
I arrive at California West. I remember this place from the introduction thing last month. My mom drops me off and I see Jayden.

A: JAY!!!!
Jayden: ANNS!!!

She runs up to me and hugs me.

J: So who is your tour guide today?
A: Someone named Asher Angel.
J: Omg! Asher is the hottest guy in school. You're so luckyyyy!
A: Number one, I have a boyfriend and Number two, you have one too.
J: Yeah, yeah.

We walk to the courtyard where everyone else is. I point out Hayden.

A: Come on Jay! I see Hayden.

She follows me over to him. He's talking to Rush and Caden.

A: Hey!
H: Hey Anns!

He hugs me.

H: You look amazing.
A: Thank you.
Rush: Get a room.
A: Shut up.
Caden: For real though.
H: *rolls his eyes*

I wonder when I'll meet this Asher dude.

Asher's POV: I arrive at California West. Yay. Love this place. I'm supposed to give this 8th grader a tour today. I don't even know why I decided to do this but maybe she's cute. I know her name's Julliana LeBlanc. I walk into the courtyard and see this really pretty brunette girl. I stare a little too long because before I know it the bell rings. I walk in to the office to meet the new girl.

Annie's POV: the bell rings. I walk inside and Jayden helps me find the office. I walk up to the counter.

Asher's POV: The brunette girl walks into the office. Was she following me? No. There's no way. She walks up to the counter and stands on her tip toes. Gosh she's adorable. I listen to what she says.

?:Excuse me, um I'm supposed to be given a tour by someone named Asher Angel? I don't know who that might be.

I jump out of my seat.

Asher: That'd be me.

A: Great!

Annie's POV: Ok Jayden was so right. He is really hot. But I have Hayden.

ASH: You must be Julliana.
A: That's my legal name, but I go by Annie.
ASH: Ok. Well I'm Asher, and I go by Asher.

She smirks.

A: Ok Asher, let's get this tour started!

I put on my best tour guide voice just to  make her laugh.

ASH: Our first stop is the Cafeteria. The food is mediocre but they have milkshakes every day for an extra $2:00. However I would definitely advise bringing your own lunch.

I smile. She giggles.

A: I will be sure to remember that.

She is so pretty and has a great personality. I can already tell that this is going to be a fun tour.

Complications | 2nd book of the "Reunited" series 💜Where stories live. Discover now