Old Friends

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Ashers POV: I hear my phone ring. I pause the song that's playing. It's "Let Me Down Slowly" by Alec Benjamin. It's my favorite song. I check to see who it is. It's ANNIE! I pick it up.

ASH: Hey Anni-
MB: Is this Asher Angel?
ASH: This is he, who is this?
MB: It's Annie's dad, there's been an accident.
ASH: What do you mean "An Accident?"
MB: She's in the hospital.

My jaw drops open

ASH: Um I'll be there soon!
MB: Take your time she's in an MRI right now.
ASH: Well I'll be there before she gets back! Goodbye Mr. LeBlanc! *hangs up*

Crap! Who am I gonna get a ride from? I scroll through my contacts. Hmm... Maybe Landry can help.. I don't know it's been awhile... I decide to call her anyway. She picks up on the 1st ring.

Landry: Hello?
ASH: Hey Landry it's Asher-
LY: Mm How's Peyton?
ASH: We broke up a long time ago.
LY: And you never called me? K.
ASH: Im sorry Landry but I really need you to pick me up from school.
LY: Why?
ASH: A friend of mine is in the hospital and my parents aren't gonna be here for a while...
LY: Ugh fine. But you owe me.
ASH: Ok thanks!

I sit on the bench and wait for Landry to show up. After about 10 minutes I see a motorcycle approach and a familiar wave of brunette hair.

ASH: Thank you so so much.
LY: Whatever just get on the motorcycle.

I do as she says.

LY: So Asher, knowing you this person is most likely a girl who you like so tell me about her.
ASH: Why would you assume that?
LY: Because you are a player and love to mess with girls' minds.
ASH: Landry! It was a year ago! I have changed ok? It is a girl yes. But she has a boyfriend and I am just a friend. She has made that pretty clear.
LY: Ok then... would you mind going out with me sometime?
ASH: Landry...
LY: Exactly. Trust me I dont like you I was testing you. You like her.
ASH: Okay I do. But I don't know there's just something about her that makes her unique. She doesn't throw herself at me and she puts her boyfriend first. She has her priorities straight.
LY: Ok well we're here so I guess I'll see you around.
ASH: Hopefully *smiles*
LY: Peace bro.

With that she speeds off into the distance. I turn towards the hospital and walk in.

Complications | 2nd book of the "Reunited" series 💜Where stories live. Discover now