Getting Kicked Out

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"Wake up in the morning

Feeling like P Diddy

Got My Glasses

I'm out the door

About to hit this City

Before...." I groan as my alarm clock sang. I hate this song but someone just loves to torture me and they made this song what wakes me up in the mornings. I reach out to press snooze button. I didn't find it. I really mean the snooze button it is not intact on the alarm, so I grab it and chuck across the room. I hear and loud thump and then I hear a high pitch and angry meow. Now I know why the cat might hate me. I take my cell phone from under my pillow and to look at the time. Holy crap it's 7:45, I only have 15 minutes to get to school. I rapidly get ready, and head down stairs to the kitchen. I grab a pop tart and go outside to wait for the bus to come. Ah hell I'm going to be late as hell to school. I stand shivering because of the morning breeze. I look up at the gray sky with its gray clouds. It is so going to rain, but I'll keep waiting, for 30 more minutes. It starts raining, at first just a little bit, but it began to come down harder. I have to go home it's obvious that the bus left me and I'm waiting here like the idiot. I try turn but the rain was weighing on me. I couldn't see my hand if I put it 3 inches in front of my face. I had almost made it to my house when I feel my right foot struck something, and I fall face first into what I really, really hope is mud, it would really suck if it was something else. I grab hold of what I trip on. It was a damn pebble. This day can't get any worse. I stand up and finally get to the door of my house, and walk in. I feel relief when I can finally see.

"Elisa, tell me something, why do you have mud all over your face. Wait." He says as he squints his eyes. "It is mud right." I nodded.

"Well I decided to go have a mud bath." I snap at him. He didn't seem to care, because he asks me another obvious question.

"Where the hell were you going? Why do you have your school backpack on?"

"I have school remember. The place we go to get tortured, I mean to get smarter." He gave me a wearisome look.

"You do it's Saturday, and you also have summer vacation." Now giving me a look pure insanity. I just close my eyes. I forgot he was totally right, we finished school about a week ago.

"Well ha ha, I got to go get cleaned up." I say running towards the stairs and almost tripping as I hit the second step.

I am about to take of my muddy wet clothing when I see myself in the mirror, for the first time in my life that I look vulnerable. My long raven hair was stuck to my face, my ice blue eyes, full of sadness, my tan skin pale, and red. My lips were sort of blue from the cold rain. I look so young and so much like my mother. My perfect acne free skin didn't help make me look older. The traits that stop me from looking like my mother are my high cheekbones, my tall and very voluptuous figure. I could say my mother and father's trait were split in half to make me. Just thinking about them made want to cry. I didn't cry for them, I don't know if it is because I cried so much in the closet or because I was an ugly cruel person. Not even now can I cry. I strip and wash the mud off my body. I'm thinking about how I look in the mirror with all that dirt on me. I want to paint it, so I start gathering my supplies. It took me almost 5 hours to draw and paint it. I looked at it and smile. Just like I see myself, the real me, not some perfect plastic version of me, I put up for school, and my family. I let it dry, and go lay on my bed. I close my eyes and listen to the rain. It is thundering, and Lightning and old memories were flowing back, of time when I was younger and happier. I used to be so afraid of thunder and lighting, so every time it happened I would crawl out my bed and sleep in between my parents. I always felt so safe with them. But now I don't have any one to do that with me. I lost everyone after I lost my parents, the only one that stayed with me was my eldest brother, but he distanced himself from me, so I had to grow up fast a little child of age 7. Things got better when Tyler got married to Abigail. She treats me as if I were her family even though we do pull so many pranks on each other. She seems to know when I was lying, sad, angry, depressed or other things. She reminds me of my mother. Abigail has a fair complexion. Her hair is bleach blonde almost white. Her body thin with boyish curves. She was unlike my mother very tall. If you didn't know her you would want to protect her but once you were 2 minutes in her company you would know better than to call her fragile. She had a personality to match my mine. I hear the door creep open and in comes Abigail and Kayla, the cutest little baby in the world, though she is 8, she is a baby to me.

"Well if it isn't the devil herself, now why do you have that angel princess with you. "I hear Kayla chuckle and see Abigail just rolls her eyes.

"So can we lay down with you, we both decided that your bed is the most comfortably and Kayla thought you might need us because you might be scared." Abigail says..

"Yeah it true." Kayla says. I smile and nod. Kayla gets on the left side of my bed and Abigail gets on the right. They snuggle next to me. I felt safe, and that yearning for more starts again I felt like I was destined for more than loneliness. I fell asleep in between them, and am woken up by my brother and they were gone.

"We need to talk." He utters seriously. What did I do now? Are you sending me to a mental hospital? I sat up.

"Okay so talk." I said still drowsy from the sleep.

"You need to pack your things." He orders. My eyes open wide. He is kicking me out.

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