Ch. 1 The last day of school (Lampwick's side)

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So, let me set the scene for this, it was the last day of school of 1976, I was 17 going into my junior year.  I was feeling pretty good, the last day of school didn't just mean three months of no worries and freedom, it also meant incoming freshmen, which meant they were going to have to stay on their toes if they valued not their lives, but their dignity and how they viewed themselves.  

The seniors are always known for going after the freshmen the last day of school so they can beat them up and make them go in humiliating stances.  The worst part of it all was that us kids who were still in high school always knew who was going to lead it.  It's not a sense of asking, but rather on knowing their personalities.  This year, the leaders (depending on gender) were Darla Marks for the girls and Fred O'Bannion for the boys.  

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The idea of hazing freshmen has really haunted me since I got my taste of it

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The idea of hazing freshmen has really haunted me since I got my taste of it.  It was terrible!  I was sobbing before they even got started and the girls' were even equally horrified!  I never remembered the last time I was so scared (oh wait, I can, but it was quite a long time ago).

  It was terrible!  I was sobbing before they even got started and the girls' were even equally horrified!  I never remembered the last time I was so scared (oh wait, I can, but it was quite a long time ago)

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That particular day, I was on my way from the bathroom back to English, when I bumped into Jodi.  I knew Jodi she was a pretty nice girl, she was senior but didn't take hazing too seriously and didn't even seem to care much for it.  

"Hey! There you are big guy!"  I blushed, Jodi had affectionately called me that since I first came in which highlighted the fact that I was tall for my age, "Uh, hey Jodi

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"Hey! There you are big guy!"  I blushed, Jodi had affectionately called me that since I first came in which highlighted the fact that I was tall for my age, "Uh, hey Jodi. Hee haw!" It happened again, since the incident at Pleasure Island, it's kinda still stuck with me.  I only told that to her, so she understood.  It was pretty embarrassing to do in front of the guys though,  "Where've you been? It's like you were gone for the entire day."  Jodi put on a contemplative look as we started walking and talking, "Darla's been ragging on me about hazing the freshman girls.  She was really being a nuisance, so I'm just gonna pretend to do it just to get her off my back.  Speaking of which, I gotta ask the guys to take it easy on my brother, Mitch.  Will you ask the same for Pinoke?"  I hadn't forgotten about Pinoke coming in this year, since I was going in as a upperclassman, the older guys kinda payed attention to me more.  I had told them about Pinoke and told them he was my little brother, but they didn't get it was social-wise (my biological younger siblings are Benny, Rachel, and Casey) "Yea, definitely.  He's gonna need it."  

Then, the ironic thing was that, while we were talking, a few of the senior guys: Benny, Mel, Donnie, and Pink actually came up to us from the parking lot where they met up with Fred O'Bannion.  I never would admit this to anyone, but I was really pretty scared of him.  Even if your not the one getting a taste of his paddle, he could still be scary.  

They were walking in the opposite direction, so we caught up to them, "Guys! Guys, wait up!" Jodi put a hand on Donnie's shoulder as he turned around, "What's up?" 

He gave me his big eye that we all knew well (if he gives it to you, it means there's something he likes), "Ooooooo! Let me see that muscle, big guy!"  I playfully flexed up my arm and let him touch it, "Solid stone! You are getting good!"  He the...

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He gave me his big eye that we all knew well (if he gives it to you, it means there's something he likes), "Ooooooo! Let me see that muscle, big guy!"  I playfully flexed up my arm and let him touch it, "Solid stone! You are getting good!"  He then started rubbing my head and (humiliating!) baby-talked me, "Awwwww. He's such a sweetheart." I blushed with embarrassment.  

Jodi then got us back on topic, "We got a favor to ask, can you guys take it easy on our little brothers?"  Benny gave us a thoughtful look, "You guys mean Mitch and Pinoke?"  I nodded, Benny looked over his paddle, "Yea, I'm gonna make sure they don't sit for a month!" Saying so he slapped his hand with it causing me to flinch, "Just don't give them any more than the others, okay? They're kinda little."  Pink gave us a look of assurance, "Okay, sis and bro." He patted my shoulder, "Little brothers are safe with us!"  I gave Pink a smile and a bro-hug, I knew I could always count on him.  Even though he was the school's big football star, he never was really upity or braggy about it.  He seemed to bright for his own good.   

On the other hand, he always seemed to act like he had something on his mind all the time, but he couldn't exactly put into words how he was feeling

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On the other hand, he always seemed to act like he had something on his mind all the time, but he couldn't exactly put into words how he was feeling.  He was the one that actually motivated me to do my best and get where I was in strengthening class.  I always considered him a role model.  Rumor has it that Jodi is sweet on him.

Jodi looked relieved, "Thanks so much guys!" As we left, Benny seemed to notice that I flinched and wacked me with his paddle, "Ow! Benny!"  I felt pretty hurt, especially as he laughed

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Jodi looked relieved, "Thanks so much guys!" As we left, Benny seemed to notice that I flinched and wacked me with his paddle, "Ow! Benny!"  I felt pretty hurt, especially as he laughed.  Finally, I told Jodi "See ya!" and went back to English.  

Little did we know what would happen next.

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