Ch. 6 We talk it over and get some fun out of it (Pinocchio's side)

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It felt so nice to have Lampwick there with me to help me through my traumatizing experience.  I couldn't have asked for better at that moment, just knowing that Lampwick was right with me and making sure I was okay was all I needed to feel comforted.  I won't try to describe our entire conversation that came up when he noticed that I was still feeling bad about the whole affair.  It did seem like that was just life, you were always gonna find that person who was just going to be mean.  Lampy proved he was talking from experience when he described the time he got paddled, at least he didn't get a bruise on his forehead.

After we got to my place, I thanked Lampwick for the ride and headed in.  Then, Lampwick asked me if I wanted to come with him and the other seniors that evening.  He convinced me it would be really cool and I agreed to come with.  So, I ended up getting a new bounce in my step as I went inside.

What I found out was that Jiminy and Daddy were waiting for me.  I figured out later (I don't know if Lampy told you this) Lampy called them ahead of time and told them everything.  First thing they did was come over and hug me and then ask if I was okay.  After everything cooled down, they informed me that Lampwick had told them everything, so, as long as I was feeling okay about it, I could go that evening with Lampwick.

That evening at 7, I came out in fresh clothes and hopped in the backseat.  I looked at the driver, I didn't know this one of Lampy's classmates.  I soon learned that his name was Pickford, he thought it was really cool of me to have Lampwick as a social big brother because, apparently, having a senior with you automatically makes you cool.  I gave him a bashful greeting which only made him like me more.  Before we got to the emporium, Pickford stopped at the drive-in to get us Cokes because, "I don't want y'all sleeping on me, especially you, Pinoke."  I giggled as he handed me mine, "Gee," I told him, "thanks." I blushed as I said this, "Not to be kiddish or anything but, I really like you." Pickford laughed, "Real sweet kid, thanks."


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