Chapter 2

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Kurt had felt his heart practically racing the next day, as he tried to get past Blaine without him seeing him at all. But that was impossible, so really, there'd been no point in trying. At the moment though, it really didn't matter, Kurt was simply desperate to just go about his day as fast as possible.

A couple times yes, Blaine had called after him, while Kurt ran speedily the other way. It didn't even matter whether he was going into a place he wasn't all too familiar with, far from his next class... he just needed to get away. 

From him, from Rachel, from everyone.

It didn't even help with the fact that yesterday, after school, had been a total mess. Especially with Kurt having to go to detention, with... Mr. Anderson, and Sebastian.

Kurt might as well have been sent to hell!

He knew that Blaine's father, certainly wasn't the most pleasant person. Kurt knew the past he and Blaine had together, and it wasn't too good.. So, it's expected that he'd have the most frustrating time in the world, having to deal with two jerks at once in that detention.

Kurt rushed past Rachel who was speaking with Finn near the bulletin board, where sign up sheets were pinned and even ruined by pranksters, or jocks. Letting out a breath of relief, as he got past her and near the corner he would have to turn to get to class, Kurt smiled.

No, not a genuinely happy one, but one... one that just came to him, out of all the rotten goodness in his heart.

Mostly because there he saw Santana, scolding the Smythe boy in Spanish, her native language, with her face red as can be. It'd probably been Rachel's big mouth, that gotten this to happen, but Kurt honestly wasn't complaining. Aside from the fact that Sebastian had most likely, lead, Blaine, to get to where he got, what exactly happened in that detention class, added up to his gladness for the situation as well.

Still with an odd smile on his face, he turned around and...

"Afternoon, Lady Hummel!" Karofsky shouted, as Azimio threw the icy cold substance, right at his face.

Kurt's hands went up in an instant, and his eyes were squeezed shut. He coughed for a moment, and then wiped some of the slushie, off of his face. Trying to see again, his eyes began to really hurt, and the pain poured down like a sprinkler that was spraying fire in an attempt to stop it. 

He bit his lip, and slowly made his way to the washroom. That's where he stayed for the rest of the time, until the lunch bell rang, and he knew he had to get out. 

A lot of the slushie was still in his hair, and had became stains on his designer clothes, but nonetheless, he looked much better than before, standing in that hallway wondering what in the world had just happened.

Minutes after, he was making his way towards the cafeteria. The thoughts of food were filling his mind, and he could just taste it all in his mouth already. Although the food wasn't that good, Kurt still was hungry, and when you're hungry... normally, you don't care.

And that's what Kurt felt.. Hungry. Starving.

He had stayed in the washroom for quite a while.. Plus, no breakfast that day, it really wasn't any surprise.


"How the hell did that happen, Kurt!?" Rachel exclaimed, just beginning the huge lecture she was about to give Kurt.

"See, this," Kurt sighed, "is exactly why I didn't want to tell you." 

"Um, excuse me?" she said, "You, were full on avoiding me!" Her cheeks were getting red out of all the rage she was feeling, and that was a lot of rage.

But Kurt, just wasn't listening. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, as he continued to pick at the salad he'd chosen to get, since buying all of the food didn't seem so healthy, and chances were, that all that hunger he was feeling was fake, and that really, his eyes were bigger than his stomach. 

It's happened to us all before, hasn't it?

"Are you even listening to me, Kurt!?"

His eyes lifted, looking towards Rachel's plump lips that seemed to open and close a mile a minute now. The noise and chatter of the room was overflowing his ears, and once again, his mind left, going into it's own little world.

Things had really happened, all in the same week.. Blaine had kissed Sebastian, Mr. Anderson had strangely become the substitute teacher for the whole week to fill in for Mr. Schuester, that crazy detention he had, Rachel had become ten times more annoying than she usually was... or maybe she always was, and Kurt was just noticing it a whole lot more today.

Who could tell? He certainly couldn't. 

All of a sudden the bell rang, and teens were piling out of the place as if it were the last day of school. Rachel let out a loud huff, upset with her friend, and then ran off towards the only doors you could exit from, taking Finn with her.

"Hey, Kurt!" A familiar voice called from behind him, as he was just getting up from his seat.

He turned around, and his expression was soon filled with surprise, as he stared at the blue eyed boy standing in front of him, with a clear smirk on his face. 

Kurt swallowed hard, "What do you want, Sebastian?"

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