Chapter 3

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Why are you passing notes to me Smythe?

You know why Kurt..

No I really don't. Tell me.

I'm not going to say it again..


It's embarassing.

If it's embarassing than clearly you didn't mean it when you said it.

Sebastian took a deep breath, his pencil pressed against the sticky note although it wasn't writing a single thing. Blaine and Rachel had been staring at them throughout the whole class, curious looks on their faces, but it wasn't any surprise to see it for him.

When Blaine had kissed him... it'd felt amazing. 

It just hadn't felt real.

He scribbled something down onto it, and then placed it silently on Kurt's desk, which was right next to him. A smirk was formed on his face quickly, as Blaine squinted, trying to figure out what was going on between the two.

I did. I know I did.

Kurt grimaced, reading the message. Then soon sent another one right to him..

"Ow!" Sebastian scowled out loudly, a painful expression on his face.

The teacher's attention came to the two boys, and then directly to Kurt. He pursed his mouth in a self-satisfied smirk, though it didn't help the situation in any way, because now, the teacher knew exactly what'd happened, or she at least had an idea..

"Mr. Hummel, are you planning on getting another detention to add onto the two you've already gotten in the past week?" 

The smug look Kurt wore, was wiped clean off. He turned his head to the broad shouldered woman, and his eyebrows lowered, as he told her, "No, Mrs. Hansen."

"Good," she smiled, "how about you, Mr. Smythe? You've gotten quite a lot in the past week as well!"

Sebastian sighed, "No, Mrs. Hansen."

"Ah, so I can get back to my lesson without having to worry about you two kiddos?" 

"I-" Sebastian began, "Yes, Mrs. Hansen. You can continue." Kurt finished.

And so she did.

Kurt sighed deeply, and rested comfortably back into his seat. He looked over to Blaine, who was giving him a simple eye message, mainly saying, amongst the many others, 'What in the world was that!?'

He just shrugged, and then looked back at Sebastian, who had an expression on his face that Kurt hadn't ever expected him to have.

It was... guilty.

"What's wrong?" Kurt whispered softly, still staring at him.

"..Nothing. It doesn't matter." Sebastian whispered back, frowning.

"Yes, it does." 


"Because care." He blurted out, as quiet as he could be.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, confused.

Why would Kurt care?

Kurt should hate him for everything... every single thing he's done to him, and that's a lot.

"You shouldn't care, though.. So why do you?"

"Why do I need a reason?"

"Don't answer a question with a question, smart ass. Tell me why you don't hate me.. Why you are asking me, or even noticing if anything's wrong with me?"

"Because that's just the type of person I am, Sebastian, that's why." Kurt told him, in a low voice.

That's when Sebastian smiled, 'cause out of all of the years of torturing people, and hurting them, and trying to put them down and break them.. Kurt had never done so.

He had never, broke.

Maybe that's why Sebastian liked to tease him, insult him, and play around with him so much... because it was a challenge. And Sebastian always loved a challenge.

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