Chapter 5

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It was a week later, and believe it or not, things had definitely gone awry since Friday, the day when Sebastian and Kurt had begun to pass notes. One thing unknown to either was whether it was a good or a bad kind of it..

"You aren't gonna eat that, right?" Sebastian hungrily asked, as he pointed to the tater tots on Kurt's cafeteria platter.

He sighed, and then chuckled, "Nah, too many calories, you can have them."

Sebastian's face lit up, and they speedily switched plates, since Sebastian had purposely gotten salad with veggies, fruits, and all the things Kurt loved, just so he could do this. But Kurt knew that, and he was perfectly fine with it, considering the foods he wasn't totally interested in eating costed less, and the healthy foods he adored were oddly expensive.

Which is why he allowed Sebastian to buy it for him, and why he allowed himself to buy Sebastian's.

Then there was the fact that now... they were dating.

It's a very complicated story, but they worked it out.

Well, everyone knew that Blaine and Kurt were going to end up breaking up, after Kurt admitted to seeing it himself. No one expected though, that Blaine would so quickly start to go out with another guy, who just happened to be, Karofsky, Kurt's past bully, which was really awkward but it wasn't like Kurt hated him.

Sebastian never liked the idea of it though, so the friendship Kurt and Blaine had once had, began to downgrade, and instead grow bigger between the new couple, KurtBastian as Brittany called it.

"Hey, Kurt." Blaine said, smiling as he sat down right next to him.

"Oh, hey!" He replied, smiling in return.

"Hello, Blaine.." Sebastian mumbled, rolling his eyes at the fact that Blaine had forgotten to greet him.

But of course, he knew he'd done it on purpose, like he did, every single time he came to check up on Kurt and Sebastian's relationship.

"Oh uh, hey Sebastian.." Blaine somewhat rudely said, turning his head to 'Bastian, and then back to Kurt's with a full on grin.

"So, how've you been doing?"

"Good, good.. Me and Sebastian have been practicing our song for the theme Mr. Schuester's given us all for the week."

"Oo, what song!?" Blaine excitedly asked, his eyes widening.

Kurt and Sebastian eyed each other, both wearing smirks on their face, although, Kurt had to admit he felt a bit ashamed on agreeing with the choice, but he couldn't help it.

It was not only a really good choice for the topic of the week, but a song he and Sebastian both loved, though he was also more than sure that Sebastian knew the history of it's use.

"Teenage Dream, by Katy Perry." Sebastian told him, still wearing the same smirk on his face.

All of the happiness in Blaine's face disappeared, and it was swiftly replaced with utter shock and disappointment, "What?"

Kurt felt the weight beginning to get heavier on his shoulders, and an apology starting to pour out of his lips, "Blaine, we-he-"

"I chose it.." Sebastian shrugged, "It turned out that we both liked it."

"Yeah, and did Kurt mention that it's our song.." Blaine frustratedly sighed, looking away from Kurt now.

"There actually is no our, for you two anymore. You guys aren't a couple. Kurt isn't your boyfriend.." Sebastian harshly said, "He's my boyfriend, Blaine. Mine."

Red began to show on Blaine's as he heard this, and Kurt was pretty confused with why. Blaine clearly had moved on from him, even told him that he didn't have any feelings for him anymore, and that honestly, and sincerely, that whatever they'd had earlier was just gone.

The spark... was gone.

"Kurt, are you not still in love with me?" Blaine questioned Kurt suddenly, as he stared at him with pleading eyes.

His eyebrows raised to the sudden question, and he was left staring at Sebastian, then Blaine, then Sebastian, and then Blaine, and it kept going till he realized what exactly Blaine was saying by all of it.

By his reaction, by his expression, by his question..

Blaine still loved him, and there was a chance... maybe Kurt did too.

But he couldn't go back to Blaine, he just couldn't. There was a specific reason for that, and he knew it, so why would he bother bringing the topic back up.

There were a billion different answers Kurt could get from him, yet they still would never give him the answer he needed. He'd still need to be honest with not only Blaine and Sebastian, but himself as well.

Here were the choices... was he still in love with Blaine, or not?

"Blaine, I.." he started, after taking a deep breath, "I don't. I mean, I'm.. I don't feel that way about you anymore, Blaine."

The tears began to form in his hazel eyes, as he realized the meaning of the words Kurt was saying, right there and then. He hated it, he hated those words, he... hated Sebastian.

Why had he kissed him?

Why had he done it, if there wasn't anything in it?

Had Blaine just been desperate, or feeling needy?

Or had Blaine wanted to prove something, like usual..

"Hey, person with a crush on my boyfriend, you still there?" Sebastian asked, with a frown on his face.

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