Chapter 4

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"So, Mr. Hummel and Mr. Smythe.." the man said, loud and proud as he walked, then stopped, in between the two boy's desks, "Why exactly do you think you got this detention?"

"'Cause you're a horrible teacher, set in his ways of bullying the new guy?" Sebastian said, though it was in more of a question kind of tone.

Mr. Anderson narrowed his eyes at him, unimpressed, "Keep that up 'Bastian, and another detention is exactly what you'll get."

Kurt's eyebrows raised in surprise, afterall, most teachers didn't care to use the first names of their students, in fact... substitutes usually didn't even know.

But then again, this wasn't just any substitute teacher. This was Blaine's dad, and that was one specific person who in Kurt's mind, could know absolutely anything, about everything. 

"Kurt, do you plan on using that smartmouth of yours anytime soon?" His blue eyes were directed towards the broad-shouldered man.

"N-no, Mr. Anderson, of course not." Kurt stammered, shyly looking down at the desk.

The man smirked, "Good, because I've heard about you.. Blaine's boyfriend, right? Well, I'm not as accepting as a variety of teacher's here so don't expect any tlc from me... just some advice for the next week you have with me." He laughed coldly, and then went on with a list of rules, as the other kids in the detention sat there, bored.

Kurt sighed, soon as he'd left the room. He hadn't been expecting any one thing from Mr. Anderson, and even if he had, he certainly hadn't been that. 

"Psst. Kurt." 

He turned his head to Sebastian, and tilted his head in question of what he wanted. A look of sincerity was on the pale boy's face, in fact, Kurt was more than sure that when he'd actually looked at him, he had seen a smile.

The corners of Kurt's lip quirked into a fake smile, as Sebastian wouldn't say a word, "Yes Sebastian, what may I help you with?"

"A blowjob would be nice..." Sebastian murmured loud enough that Kurt could hear, beginning to smirk at Kurt who gave a loud gasp, "but what I really want is to just, you know, chat with you."

"And why on earth would either of us want to do that?" Kurt inquired, arching an eyebrow at him.

"We're gonna be here awhile, might as well make use of it." Sebastian shrugged, lying back comfortably in his chair.

"What's your favourite colour?"

Kurt let out another deep sigh, knowing that Sebastian was indeed right. They were both gonna be here for awhile, a little chat between the two of them wouldn't hurt.

Even if he'd technically kissed Blaine.. Or, let Blaine kiss him.

"Purple.." Kurt mumbled, making Sebastian smile.

"I would've guessed it was pink, or red, judging by many things... but purple's okay, too.." 

"Well then Judge Mental, what's yours?" Kurt said, rolling his eyes and then smirking.

"Blue. Or green. I always have a hard time choosing.." Sebastian nervously chuckled, and Kurt noticed it.

"Why're you nervous?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, why are you acting as if just asking me my favourite colour is such a big deal?"

Sebastian thought about it for a minute or two, and then simply shrugged. Kurt didn't think that he'd tell him either way though, so it didn't really matter if there was a reason or not, but something inside of him told him that finding out was a good idea.

"There's gotta be a reason, Sebastian." He babbled, with an innocent glimmer in his eyes.

"But there isn-"

"There is." Kurt firmly said, and actually looking deeply into Sebastian's icy coloured eyes, he saw all of the different layers there were.

It was literally like ice; layers upon layers, light blue to darker blues, and a tunnel that went from the disguise Sebastian wore to the reality.

"Look, Kurt, I-" Sebastian began, but a deeper voice interrupted him.

"So it seems like some of us need a reminder, of how detention is not by any means, a time to be social." 

Both teens in an instant looked up, not expecting to hear his voice until the end of the period. Kurt gulped, as Sebastian from beside him, deeply sighed, and then suddenly... stood right up.

"Well I am so very sorry, Mr. Anderson, but is that really surprising, considering how boring it is in this plain, old room?" Sebastian questioned him, raising an eyebrow to the sub.

"Smythe, I'd suggest you sit right down this instant, before-"

"Before what? You give me another detention, and then have to deal with me again? Dude, I myself, do not think you want that." Sebastian sneered, as others chuckled to themselves in the background.

"And why's that?" Mr. Anderson asked, unimpressed.

"Mm, an annoying meerkat, with horse teeth that could chomp your face in a split second, and a smirk that would kill any hot girl that took even a glance at it, in fact, it could even be contagious.." Sebastian shrugged, continuing, "I'd think that no teacher would want that."

"Well I am no ordinary teacher, am I Mr. Smythe? Where did you get the idea that you were any of this exactly?"

"Haha, well uh, Lady Hummel here told me himself. Could you believe that? Such a kind-hearted teenager." Sebastian grinned, gesturing to Kurt who's eyes were wide open, and filled with confusion. plus a hint of shock. Or maybe a lot.

"Mr. Smythe and Mr. Hummel, I'm going to have to ask you both, to go stand outside till I tell you anything more." 

"But!" Kurt gasped, protesting as quickly stood up too.

"Yes Kurt, butts are for sitting." Sebastian nodded, putting his arm around his neck while leading him out of the classroom.

Mr. Anderson went and shut the door, leaving the two of them there alone. Kurt shot Sebastian a dirty look immediately, shoving his arm off of him.

"You are so-" Kurt growled, but Sebastian cut him off.

"I love you."

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