the morning had started just like any other  . i went to get the mail and flipped through the letters . eventually coming across on with my name on it . i set the rest of the letters on the kitchen table and started opening my letter when zac snatched it from my hand and gave it to my uncle Thomas . he looked at the seal for a slit second and his face turned pale and ripped the letter up .

sabre : hey ! that was mine !

Thomas :  not any anymore . if you get anymore of these letters i swear you will wish . never mind just don't open the letters .

Jamie : Thomas what letter did he get . 

Thomas : Jamie not when zac or elan are in the room .

Jamie : Zachariah leave the room  and elan please go to your closet .

* sabre * 

 i left the room and zac immediately fought with me over who got to look through the keyhole . he won and i was stuck with the crevasse under the door where i could hear the conversation .

Thomas ;  he can't be eleven already . Jamie isn't he only ten .

Jamie ; they send the letter a few days before the child turns eleven .elan's birthday is in three days .we can't let him get a letter . he is not learning magic ..


sabre : where are we going ?

Thomas : somewhere they can't find us anymore !!

zac : dad you're crazy  !


* sabre *

everyone had gone to bed in the small shack and i was still awake . on the dirt floor i drew  a picture of a birthday cake with candles on it . as the clock struck twelve on my watch i blew out the candles . i was officially eleven years old ...

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