i stared down at the ruined drawing of the cake and thought about a wish i wanted to come true when  a loud clap of thunder shook the entire shack .the door fell in and a silhouetted person stood in the doorway . i got up and ran behind a wall hiding myself . the person walked inside , picked up the door and put it back in place .  the person was fairly tall and strong , but didn't appear hostile or mean . my cousin zac stood up and backed away just as my aunt Jamie and uncle Thomas were coming down the stairs .

Thomas :  what is going on down here !

justin : i'm really sorry , but professor crafter told me that Elan wasn't getting his letters .

Jamie : we've been trying to keep them away from him the best we can . he will not go to that school !

sabre : what school ?

justin : so you haven't told him have you .

Jamie : we thought we could separate him from the magic world .

justin ; well then . Elan here is your letter . please read it out loud if you will .

sabre : okay .  

"Mr . Elan Rosini

number 4 ******* lane

we are pleased to inform you've been excepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft a wizardry .(a/n : i hate myself because i literally memorized the entire fucking letter and changed the words . ) please find the enclosed this of all the necessary books and equipment . term begins September 1 . we expect your owl no later than may 4 .

sincerely , jess aphmau , deputy headmistress ."

Thomas : no . he is not going . for the last time no !

Justin ; do you want to go elan ?

sabre : yes please . 

Justin : you heard him . he wants to go to the school .


sabre ; where do i get a wand .

justin ; where almost everyone gets their wand ,at jawed's wand shop . he makes the best wands around .


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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